You Are My Gravity

Chapter 1326: So cheating

Qin Se sighed, turned his head to look at Gu Zhixin, and said seriously: "The fate of knowing the new is really bumpy, don't worry about knowing the new, the eldest sister-in-law is like a mother, and the sister-in-law will care about you more... I will never let you. If you are bullied, if you dare to bully you, tell your sister-in-law and your elder brother, it’s not easy to clean up who we want."

Gu Zhixin endured the urge to laugh, lowered his head and bowed slightly to Qin Se: "Thank you sister-in-law..."

Qin Se's words were just to give Song Mingjue and Shui Xingyun's arrogance.

He barely named his name and slapped his face.

Song Mingjue's face was ugly. He thought that he might not be doing well when he came here, but he never expected that it was so much worse than he thought.

He didn't believe that Gu Jingyuan didn't know them. When his mother was detained in the police station, if it weren't for Gu's family to play black hands behind her back, how could she be detained for so long?

What's more, the Gu family didn't investigate what Shui Xingzhou did in the first place. It is estimated that they knew their existence well.

But he just pretended not to know, and didn't even give them straight eyes.

In the south, whether it is the Song family or the Shui family, they are flattered when they go out, and they are all praised by others. However, Gu Jingyuan is in front of them with a look of contempt and disdain. Don't care.

To put it bluntly, this is to look down on them.

Song Mingjue, it was the first time he tasted what it was like to be looked down upon.

However, in front of Gu Jingyuan, he felt that there would really be a feeling of lowering his head, and this feeling made him extremely uncomfortable.

Shui Xingyun was vomiting to death in her heart. The one or two of the Gu family were so annoying, but she took the initiative to call for help. At this time, she could only admit counsel, and she could only be softened: "Jing Yuan... …I am really your aunt. Back then, I was forced to be helpless before I left. I have been thinking about Zhixin in my heart all these years. I always long for one day when I can come back..."

Qin Se stretched out his hand and said, "Stop and stop... This lady, can you be more fake in this scene? You don't feel awkward when you act, but we really feel embarrassed when we look at it. My eyes are really uncomfortable. Not anymore..."

Shui Xingyun almost hates Qin Se, she gritted her teeth and said: "I...I came here to find my son and it has nothing to do with you, you..."

Gu Jingyuan's face was gloomy, and he was about to speak, but was held back by Qin Se.

Qin Se chuckled, "It doesn't matter to me, it doesn't matter what it means to me. The eldest sister is like a mother. I am Gu Zhixin's sister-in-law. His business is mine. I am his elder, but you, aunt, you Someone who didn’t know where came out, said something here like a madman, Zhixin is your son, why don’t you just say that you are my husband’s mother? Hey, this year, it’s really New Year, and liars take the initiative You came to a scam. Do you think our family has a lot of business and think that we are stupid and have a lot of money, so we are cheated?"

If you quarrel with a woman, then you must have a woman. At this time, she must show her ability.

Zhen Baoer nodded her head aside, "Yes, this aunt, I think you are actually more suitable. You can go up to the sky in the hospital, with the eyes above the top of the madness. Now it is really not suitable for you to look like a mother., let's change back to your previous style!"

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