You Are My Gravity

Chapter 1330: Cross out

When Shui Xingyun heard it, he immediately said angrily: "Sure enough, it's you. I was locked in the police station. It's your ghost..."

Song Mingjue's eyelids twitched twice, and it was too late to reach out to hold Shui Xingyun.

He couldn't help sighing, his mother didn't give her strength, he kept dragging her legs back, no matter how great he was, he couldn't stop being dragged like this.

Gu Jingyuan smiled: "Mrs. Song, you took people to my will to make a fuss and maliciously injured my willing employees. The doctors in the hospital followed the normal procedures to report to the police. The police detained you in accordance with laws and regulations. Is there anything wrong with this? Even in your Linzhou City, your home is not a place outside the law, is it? Ours is a country governed by law, not your words."

Gu Jingyuan couldn't say a word of Shui Xingyun, pointing to Gu Jingyuan: "You..."

You didn't say a complete sentence for a while.

Song Mingjue turned her head and whispered: "Mom, you say a few words."

Shui Xingyun gritted his teeth and stopped speaking.

"Sorry, I'm really sorry... My mother has a straightforward temper, simple mind, and angered everyone. I hope to forgive you, sorry..." Song Mingjue quickly apologized.

Zhou Ping said impatiently, "Can you stop talking nonsense? If you don't leave yet, I don't know how annoying and annoying you are. Do you have to wait for me to blow you out?"

Xu Mu stepped forward and stood behind Zhou Ping, telling the people on the opposite side with action, hurry up and get out, don't get out, we are going to hit someone.

Shui Xingyun's face was red and white, as if he was really hit on the face.

She bit her scalp and said, "What are you, but an outsider who borrows to live in Gu's house, why are you bombarding me?"

Song Mingjue closed his eyes, he really didn't know what to do.

How can his mother...can't save people?

In the current situation, even he bowed his head and subdued. What is she still making?

No one knows how proud Song Mingjue is and how strong his self-esteem is. It is already a humiliation for him to come here to ask for a half-brother who has never been masked.

But why is his mother always confused?

What's more, all the family caretakers are all that kind of unreasonable. This time it is definitely not enough. They can only resolve the hostility between the two sides as much as possible, and then leave, waiting for the next opportunity.

However, he worked hard to dissolve the hostility, but his old lady kept attracting hatred there.

Zhou Ping hehehe said, "Let me live? Don't ask before you come. Whose house is this? This is my house, my house. You ran to my door to make trouble, annoy me and make you two Go out sideways."

Shui Xingyun's legs softened, and Zhou Ping's eyes really made her see a chill in her heart.

I'm always worried about whether the rolling pin in Zhou Ping's hand will come in the next second.

Shui Xingyun stammered: "You are too arrogant...I...I'm the wife of the Song family, you respect me a little."

Zhou Ping despised: "Respect, run to my house to make trouble, and let me respect you, you are my bun, do you squeeze it?"

Shui Xingyun opened his mouth to speak, and Song Mingyu hurriedly stopped: "Madam, I'm sorry, I apologize to you on behalf of my mother. I'm sorry, we took the liberty to disturb you. Let's... go now."

Song Mingjue grabbed Shui Xingyun's wrist: "Mom, you apologize to this lady, let's... go back first."

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