You Are My Gravity

Chapter 1337: Ridiculous

Song Mingjue...


The words that came out of his mother's mouth were really...ridiculous.

Shui Xingyun yelled again: "Even if I was sorry for him before, but I gave him his life... How could he do this?"

Suddenly, Shui Xingyun thought of something, "By the way... I am his biological mother, Ming Jue, why don't... I go to the court to sue him for not supporting me. I am his mother, so he should support me."

Song Mingjue was so speechless that he wanted to explode. How did he come up with such a **** idea?


Ha ha……

Song Mingyue closed his eyes to keep himself from getting angry. He took a deep breath, opened his eyes, and said, "Don't think about it, it's impossible. You said you don't support you too much, but you, you have done everything to him. Is it the responsibility of being a mother for a day? Besides, their family can be manipulated by the police, so what if you sue? The court will help you?"

Fortunately, it is his own mother. If you change someone to say this, Song Mingjuan can't help but ask: Why do you still have the face to ask people for alimony? Why are you?

Song Mingjue really didn’t know much about what happened back then, but even if she had difficulties in abandoning her child at the beginning, but after returning to Linzhou, she returned to the Shui family and married again, she had a good life, even if she didn’t go. Acknowledge that child, do you also ask someone to inquire about it in private, or ask someone to give the child some money?

However, as far as Song Mingjue knew, his mother had never approached Gu Zhixin or asked.

Probably, she was anxious to know that Xin was dead, so that her former "stain" would be erased.

When Shui Xingyun heard this, he started crying again, "What should I do? What do you say? How could I never imagine that Gu Zhixin would be so cruel, and I went to him in such a low voice, but he would not give him any affection. Now It's like this, do you really want to watch your sister die?"

Song Mingjue finally couldn't help yelling: "Mom...can you please quiet me down?"

No matter how calm and determined, Song Mingjue is just a young man in his early 20s.

Song Mingjue's voice was so loud that Shui Xingyun shuddered with fright, and his cry stopped abruptly.

Song Mingjue wanted to vent, he simply said directly, "Mom, can you be sober and look at this sensibly, don't say that Gu Zhixin is not cruel, shouldn't he be cruel? Don't you think about it first? What did you do back then? Why did he give you affection? Yes, you gave birth to him, but... is this important? Why don't you say, you abandoned him, why don't you think about it, you leave him A child without any survivability, how does he live and grow up alone?"

Song Mingjue’s words seemed like loud slaps, and the water and clouds were all dumbfounded: "I..."

Song Mingjue gave a long sigh. He pinched his eyebrows and calmed himself down as much as possible. He said: "I said these are not to blame you. You are my mother. I can't blame you. After all, if you didn't come back, there would be no I, I will always be on your side, and I am not sympathetic to Gu Zhixin’s experience, I am just expounding a fact, a fact that we must recognize..."

What Song Mingjue couldn't bear was Shui Xingyun. He still couldn't recognize the reality. Didn't the family situation wake him up?


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