You Are My Gravity

Chapter 1356: Grandpa

Last night, I dreamed that I was chewing on the big elbow made at home, and then I woke up hungry and touched the corners of my mouth. It was all saliva.

Then in the middle of the night, Qin Zheng almost didn't sleep, counting the points and waiting for today's arrival.

As a result, someone prevented him from eating. Of course Qin Zheng refused.

Anyone who prevents him from running towards food is his enemy.

Xu Mu smiled and said, "This kid is irritable when he is hungry and has a bad temper. When he was at home, his mother always twisted his ears about this. Don't mind everyone. In fact, he is not wicked."

Xu Mu's remarks were not intended to allow others to forgive Xu Mu. He felt that Qin Zheng had done the right thing.

Saying this was just a habit of etiquette, so he opened his mouth and said it so casually, but how much of it was an apology, he knew in his heart, he didn’t mean to apologize at all, and he wanted to accuse that. Girl.

The deputy director was right: I'm not sensible!

Such a big person, why don't you even have this simple vision?

Xu Mu said to the martial arts teacher: "Teacher, let's go there first, you are busy, don't bother."

The martial arts teacher nodded: "Okay, you go."

"goodbye teacher."

Qin Zheng ran out after speaking.

After a while, Qin Zheng's voice came from outside the door, "Oh, old Xu, you hurry up, I'm in a hurry, you can't go fast, you get old right away, it's annoying, walking so slow... Are you grandpa? "

"Boy, stop for me..."

"I don't, old man, you won't let anyone talk about it."

Qin Zheng's complaint made everyone in the house stun their tongues.

Old Xu, old, old, old man, old man... Only Qin Zheng dared to complain.

However, Xu Mu didn't mean to be angry at all when he spit out like this. Although he was cursing the stinky boy, there was a lot of spoiling, and everyone could hear it.

The relationship between these two people is really not ordinary closeness.

Everyone looked at the outside enviously, Qin Zheng was really, enviable and hated.

At this moment, they really think that they are also Qin Zheng, and they really want to have such a good father.

With such a father, the entertainment circle walks sideways.

Before, everyone in their hearts was jealous of Qin Zheng, and at the same time looked down on him a little, feeling that he was just a bear kid who walked through the back door and had no learning skills...

However, when they saw that Xiong's father was Xu Muhou.

That kind of despising mood, I dare not have it in my heart.

The martial arts teacher clapped his hands and said, "Okay, everyone can rest for a while. I guess you don't have the mind to practice right now. Calm down and start class in ten minutes."

Don't talk about others, he himself has no intention of teaching others.

The martial arts teacher looked at the hand he had shook with Xu Mu, feeling excited, he was thinking, whether or not to wash this hand.

The actors sat down and whispered to each other.

"Unexpectedly...Qin Zheng is really Teacher Xu's son... It's amazing..."

"Yes, this backstage is really amazing..."

"I heard that Qin Zheng is not the only backstage like Teacher Xu. His family is very rich. Have you watched the show that Qin Zheng participated in before his debut? One time I interviewed his sister and mother. , I live in a big villa, a very luxurious one...I feel that only super, super rich people can live in such a good house..."


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