You Are My Gravity

Chapter 1358: Fight

She gritted her teeth and said: "What's wrong with me just like it? I didn't steal or **** it. I just went after the boy I like with fairness. It's his business if he accepts it, and it's mine if I chase it. It's your turn to make irresponsible remarks there!"

She squinted and glanced at the short-haired girl: "It's you, at least I dare to pursue it, but what about you, huh... You can be said that you don't like it in your heart, and if you have the ability, you should chase it?"

Everyone stopped talking and looked at them one after another.

Everyone's eyes are burning with gossip fire, and they all want to know what is going on.

The short-haired girl disdainfully said: "Do you think I am as shameless as you?"

The beautiful actress yelled: "Who are you scolding shamelessly?"

The girl with short hair said contemptuously: "You, I just scold you for being shameless, a bad guy, and I am embarrassed to chase Qin Zheng. What are you pretending to be pure? In school, don't think I don't know how many men you have had a good time with, as long as you have money. , You can lie down and let people go..."


The beautiful girl screamed and rushed forward, riding on the short-haired girl, grabbing her hair, and scratching her face.

The short-haired girl who was suppressed was not annoying. She immediately turned her head. Although her face escaped the attack, the beautiful girl's paw was caught on the neck. The other party's strength was so strong that she immediately scratched her skin. , The blood flowed out at that time.

If this is scratched on the face, the face is not broken on the spot?

The pain aroused the anger of the short-haired girls. They practiced with the martial arts teacher for so long, coupled with the morning physical training, the physical fitness has long been better than before.

The short-haired girl suddenly lifted her leg and hooked the long-haired girl’s neck with one foot, then turned the body over, swapping their bodies.

She pressed the beautiful girl under her body, locked her legs around the other's neck, clamped it tightly, and came a cross lock.

Although the beautiful girl fought hard, the more she resisted, the tighter her neck was clamped, and the pain was severe.

She felt that her neck was about to be pinched, her breathing was difficult, her hands kept scratching, the legs of a girl with short hair!

The gossip that had been good at first suddenly became a full-fledged martial artist. Everyone was shocked and hurried up to pull people, but don't really hurt anyone.

The martial arts teacher also ran over. Under the drag of everyone, the two were finally pulled apart.

The two people who were pulled apart were very embarrassed at the moment, and both saw injuries on their bodies. .

Although the girl with short hair almost strangled the beautiful actress to death, there were many wounds on her neck and legs, and the blood was bleeding out, which looked a little scary.

As for the beautiful girl, although it seems that there is no broken skin on her body, but... her neck and his legs will definitely be bruised tomorrow.

And it will hurt for several days...

Although the two have been pulled apart now, they are still like cockfighting. If they are pulled by someone next to them, they will rush to bite each other.

The martial arts teacher stood between the two and sternly said: "What are you doing? What are the two actresses fighting like in a public fight? As actors, aren't you the most face-to-face? You are not afraid of being filmed. To spread out?"

The two of them have messy hair, just like a crazy woman. Where is the beauty?

The beautiful girl cried aggrievedly: "Teacher, don't blame me for provoking me first."

The short-haired girl had a bad temper, and said directly: "That's you guilty..."


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