You Are My Gravity

Chapter 1362: In love

Qin Zheng picked up the pig's feet and squeezed it. He said, "Oh...Is it a bit too much, or half of it... Such greasy food, Zhuang Shuo can't eat well, he said he wants to exercise, Those who eat more chicken breasts, like this oily food, can't eat too much..."

Xu Mu: "..."

He really didn't want to talk to this kid, so he wanted to drive him out to feed him.

In the end, Qin Zheng was still not driven out, and Xu Mu warmed the meat for him before letting him eat it.

Xu Mu sighed, there was nothing he could do, his own bear kid was helpless.


While Qin Zheng chewed on his elbow, Xu Mu took two photos, and then sent Zhou Ping a request for video chat.

After a while, Zhou Ping received the call request.

She asked: "Here?"

Xu Mu nodded, "Well, it's been a while...Xiao Zheng is eating the food you made for him..."

Xu Mu pointed the camera at Qin Zheng. He was holding his elbows in both hands, and his mouth was full of oil, as if he had been hungry for many days.

As soon as Zhou Ping saw it, she frowned in disgust: "Xiaozheng, how can you be so greedy for how many days you haven't eaten?"

Qin Zheng raised his head, chewing meat in his mouth, and said, "Mom, don't you know, I'm almost throwing up after eating canteen meals these days... There really isn't much to eat here... I'm so poor."

Zhou Ping felt distressed when Qin Zheng looked so poor.

" stay relaxed, don't eat too much, watch out for troubles."

Qin Zheng said: "Well, I see, I just waited for Lao Xu to come over and eat a full meal. I didn't have a meal at noon, so I just waited for him to come."

Xu Mu said: "You talk to your mother first, and I will give you a bowl of noodles. You can't always eat meat, you have to eat some staple food."

Qin Zheng took it, "Go, go, I want two fried poached eggs with charred outside and tender inside..."

Xu Mu raised his hand and knocked Qin Zheng's head: "Dead boy, you still pick a lot."

Qin Zheng held his head and pretended to be in pain: "Oh, mom, look at your card, if he hit me, he dared to hit me in front of you, he was too rampant..."

Zhou Ping curled her lips: "It deserves... you stayed there for so many days, how come this acting hasn't improved at all? If you continue like this, I'm really worried about my future face."

Qin Zheng snorted: "Mom, how can you say that, I am your son anyway, you have to believe what our acting teacher said, I am a very talented actor, I have made great progress..."

Zhou Ping: "I doubt the level of your teacher now."

While the mother and son were talking, Xu Mu's assistant had bought him some noodles, tomatoes, eggs, and some small vegetables.

The conditions here are simple, so making noodles is naturally simple.

Xu Mu cooked Qin Zheng a white water vegetable noodle, then fried two eggs, spread it on top, and spread beef slices all around the side of the bowl.

When Qin Zheng saw the face, he cheered happily: "Wow, it's New Year..."

He felt that eating this meal today was really more fragrant than the New Year's Eve dinner.

Xu Mu handed him chopsticks: "Hurry up and eat while it is hot."

Qin Zheng clipped a piece of beef first, and said, "Mom, let me tell you something that makes you happy. You don't have to worry about my future wife."

Qin Se's head suddenly appeared in the picture: "Oh, little brother, could it be that... are you in love now?"

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