You Are My Gravity

Chapter 1365: tell a story

"Our family is my only son. You still expect me to succeed the old Qin family. I have a great responsibility. Moreover, I am still young. I don't have to look for a girl friend, but I want to cherish it, right? Maybe I The wife who is like a flower in the future will be waiting for me in the future."

When Qin Zheng recalled the dumplings, he felt unbearable to look back. He was once again fortunate that he had survived the disaster.

Fortunately, he was clever and braked in time and did not eat.

That box of dumplings was almost a nightmare for Qin Zheng.

Zhou Ping doubted: "No, it's... not that scary? What are you saying too exaggerated?"

Qin Zheng simply put down his chopsticks and said, "Mom, don't you know that the dumplings she made have broken through the imagination of human beings. She had to chase me to eat at the time. I had no choice but to tell her directly that her dumplings are too ugly. , I really couldn't muster the courage, and then she took advantage of her dazedness, I hurried to the bathroom..."

"When I came out of the bathroom, I saw a dog, picked up the trash can, and took out the lunch box that she gave me dumplings. As a result...I watched the dog lick twice, turned my head and ran away... Looking at that dog for two days, it is still lingering, I guess he has a shadow."

Qin Zheng shook his head with emotion, and expressed deep sympathy for the dog.

"You said, this dog is too unpalatable. Fortunately, I didn't eat it. Otherwise, I might really fall down."

Qin Se licked his lips when he heard it: "No, it's so terrible, this girl... can make dumplings like that, it's amazing..."

Qin Zheng opened his hands: "So, you said, even if she likes what I like and wants to die, I can't be with her. I want to find someone who can treat my mouth and stomach first as a girlfriend. ."

Zhou Ping suddenly said, "Smelly boy, you don't want to eat. In that case, you can go to the chef directly."

Qin Zheng's eyes lit up: "Mom...I can..."

Qin Se said: "Now the chefs are all men, don't go crazy."

Qin Zheng: "I don't believe it, you can always find a female chef..."

Zhou Ping waved her hand: "Hang up, I don't want to see him now..."

He is about to be **** off by his son. He is not looking for a girlfriend at all, but an old mother looking for cooking.

Qin Se waved his hand: "Qin Zheng, your mother wants to sever relationship with you for ten minutes. I don't want to see you for the time being, so let's be autistic."

Qin Zheng hurriedly shouted: "Hey, mom, don't be angry..."

A week stretched out in the picture and hung up directly.

Qin Zheng scratched his head, glanced at the time, and broke the relationship for ten minutes, then he remembered the time.

Xu Mu sat in front of Qin Zheng, "Xiaozheng, I'll have a good chat with you, you eat yours, just listen to me..."

Qin Zheng nodded: "Oh, then tell me."

Xu Mu said: "You are doing the right thing this time. In this circle, be careful. Don't touch your mouth when you are handed over by others, whether it is food or drink, and be careful of being calculated by others. This is not an example of my unfounded worry. For many years, it has not happened rarely by my side... I will tell you a story about my friend."

At the beginning, Xu Mu Qin Zheng was still eating food, but as he talked, he couldn't eat anymore. He watched Xu Mu and listened to him slowly telling the story of his former friend.

I hope that after listening to it, he can regard this as a wake-up call and remain vigilant at all times.


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