You Are My Gravity

Chapter 1367: Hello master

And Qin Zheng’s fans are not noisy, they are all there to thank: Thank you to the sisters of Mrs. Xu’s family, for taking Qin Zheng’s brother away, let him stay with you for a few more days, let’s save snacks and rest. We need to calm down. , The shock after seeing the photo.

The extraordinary harmony between the two fans is known as the strange flower in the rice circle,

Qin Zheng saw the comments of his fans and angrily sent a complaint on Weibo: What happened to you rebellious fake fans who brought me home? Is it so embarrassing?

Fans line up to reply under Qin Zheng's Weibo-yes!

Qin Zheng...


Since Xu Mu went, Qin Zheng's life has been better.

The course was easy, everyone treated him with extra enthusiasm and politeness, which made him almost overwhelmed.

What satisfies Qin Zheng most is that he can finally eat delicious meals every day.

Within two days, everyone in the crew knew that Teacher Xu Mu Xu came here to cook for his young master.

Who is his young master——Qin Zheng!

Everyone felt that being a stepson to Qin Zheng was the pinnacle of life.

Let Xu Yingdi, let the hands of the movie emperor, let the hands that are so fascinated by thousands of hands control them, to cook, it's crazy.

Moreover, they witnessed how much Xu Mu favored Qin Zheng...

They all felt that even if they were a son, they were not so happy.


At home, several days have passed since the last time Shui Xingyun and Song Mingyu came to the house.

In the past few days, Gu Jingyuan kept people staring at the two people. There was no movement. Shui Xingyun stayed in the hotel and did not go out.

However, Song Mingjue went out several times.

I saw my friends and went to the bar. The life was relaxed and leisurely. From the surface, he really didn't see any troubles. He seemed to be a very wealthy brother.

In just a few days, Song Mingjue had an additional suitor beside him, who was the daughter of the boss of a fairly prestigious clothing company in the local area.

However, Song Mingjue didn't seem to catch a cold with her, and always ignored her. However, the more he was like this, the rich lady became more chasing after her.

The report sent to Gu Jingyuan's desk was that Song Mingjue-wanted to catch it.

After Gu Jingyuan looked at it, he smiled disdainfully, and threw it away.

To be honest, this Song Mingjue can really bend and stretch. If he is not from the Song family, Gu Jingyuan might really stretch his hand.

However, whoever made him the Song family, who made him the son of Shui Xingyun, to blame, blame them on a bad background.

Gu Jingyuan sent a person to Linzhou to investigate the Song family. He returned to report and did not find anything that was too useful. At present, the Song family seems to be all normal.

Song Mingjue’s father went to get off work normally. A few days ago, he also participated in a local entrepreneurs meeting organized by the Linzhou Municipal Government. He also donated 10 million to a local university. As an education fund, the company’s employees are normal and there are no internal What unfavorable news came out.

The only thing is that Song Mingjue has a younger brother and a younger sister. His younger brother is still in high school, and his younger sister is said to be studying abroad.

However, they checked and found that the school where Song Mingjue's sister went to study abroad did have her enrollment record. However, she was not in school and had not been there for a year.


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