You Are My Gravity

Chapter 1380: Lively

When Song Mingjue heard this, he was naturally happy to go.

He was eager to have time to communicate with Mr. Wei alone. Here, with this group of people, he felt that his taste was going to be pulled down.

So Song Mingjue got up and wanted to leave the nightclub with Mr. Wei.

Jin Yumeng wanted to catch up, but was stopped by Song Mingjue: "You love lively, the tea room is too deserted, and I will inevitably ignore you when talking with Mr. Wei. If you have your friends here, you should play here."

Of course Jin Yumeng disagreed, "No, I have nothing to play with them, I will go with you, I promise not to disturb your conversation..."

Song Mingjue was afraid that Mr. Wei would be anxious and wanted to follow along.

So, he smiled at Jin Yumeng for the first time, and said: "Observe."

That faint smile, those simple words, made Jin Yumeng stunned, and would not move for a long time.

When she reacted, the two had already left.

Jin Yumeng touched her hot face, and it was the first time she tasted the feeling of shyness. The heart in her chest was thumping and throbbing at the moment, and she felt a sweet taste. Spread in the bottom of my heart.

Song Mingjue's smile just drew her soul away.

There was a voice in Jin Yumeng's heart, she was helpless, she might really sink down completely, and she didn't want to climb out.

She fell in...

People in a room saw Jin Yumeng standing there in a daze and didn't understand. Some people laughed at her: "Jin Yumeng, look at the good things you have done... You built a bridge for that kid, and he turned around and took you. This bridge has been demolished..."

Jin Yu glared at the man angrily, "You shut up, he just knows that I love fun..."

Song Mingjue just coaxed her, made her obedient, and smiled at her. This was the time when he was the most gentle with her since they met.

Jin Yumeng at this moment can't think of anything else in his mind.

But others can tell, the authorities are fans, and bystanders are very clear.

The young master surnamed Wang said disdainfully: "Don't deceive yourself and others. That kid doesn't look down on you at all. He just used you as a springboard. After meeting Mr. Wei, he turned around and dumped you. You thought you were yourself. How important is it in his heart, Jin Yumeng, how come I haven't found you so stupid before."

Jin Yumeng scolded angrily: "Fuck, you don't provoke discord here. He is not like that, he is different from you."

She couldn't stay here any longer, turned around and walked out of the private room to the dance floor downstairs, writhing as if following a group of unknown men and women to vent.

But after jumping for a while, Jin Yumeng couldn't jump anymore.

She used to like dancing in nightclubs very much. At night, this is her favorite place.

But today...

Jin Yumeng jumped for a while, suddenly felt boring.

She walked to the bar boredly and ordered a glass of wine.


[Today is also chapter 20, I can't do it anymore, I'm going to be autistic for a while, monthly pass, I want to take the initiative to get robbed! 】

Today I saw on Weibo that I very much respected and thought that the master of literature, Mr. Er Yuehe, passed away. Once again, I feel that this year is really long, and I have seen too many joys and sorrows. The days of 18 years are from the beginning to the end of the year. It is gray. I hope this year will pass as soon as possible.

Life is alive and things are impermanent. I hope everyone will cherish the present, live for themselves, do what they like to do, and don’t leave regrets.

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