You Are My Gravity

Chapter 1386: A lot of money

These things are all kinds of gold and jade jewelry, and there are several heavy gold bars at the bottom. At the time of the Republic of China, the country was in turmoil, and it was in troubled times. It was difficult to do anything, only these gold and jade things did not depreciate.

Therefore, Zhou Jiazu exchanged some antique calligraphy and paintings for these, which can be circulated at any time.

Qin Se looked at the box full of jewels and asked, "So, our family is actually quite rich, isn't it?"

Just take out the small box in her hand, maybe, they can get two sets of the villa they live in now.

It may not be worth so much, but anyway, it just can be sold for a lot of money. This bracelet is so good, there will always be more than one million eight hundred thousand.

Zhou Ping squeezed a **** pendant, "It's okay..."

Qin Se asked Zhou Ping: "Then why did you work so hard when I was young?"

As Qin Se remembered, Zhou Ping was very busy, setting up stalls for fortune-telling, going out to do things for others, and sometimes doing other odd jobs. It was very hard. When he was busy, he could only eat one meal a day.

Zhou Ping smiled: "I was a widow with two children at that time. If I really spent money and lived many times richer than others, do you think it would be less troublesome? Sometimes when there is more money, it may not be Be able to hold it, not to mention these things are too valuable, just take them out, in our small place, you sell it the day before, and everyone knows it the next day. By then, our house will be unsafe..."

Zhou Ping knows that people are sinister at this time.

What's more, the widow has the most right and wrong in front of her door, she is still a good-looking widow, and many people stare at her.

If you have the treasure, you must have the ability to protect it. If you can't protect it, then you can't let others know.

Zhou Ping knows this truth well, and at that time, her family's life was not too poor to survive. She still had hands and feet and was able to support her two children.

It's just a little tired, and there is no end to it.

Qin Se stretched out his hand to hug Zhou Ping: "Mom, you have worked hard..."

Zhou Ping patted her arm: "It didn't work too much. Although you didn't make you rich when you were young, it never made you hungry and cold. It is the life of ordinary people. important."

At that time, Zhou Ping, no one could help her.

She can only rely on herself. The death of her husband let her know that nothing is important.

She just wants her two children to grow up in peace and health.

Only once, I moved the things inside. Many years ago, Qin Zheng fell ill, and the family didn’t have that much money for a while. Zhou Ping took one of the least valuable things, and then went to the market to sell it before returning. .

Qin Zheng nodded vigorously: "Hmm..."

"Mom, then why are you showing this to me today?"

"You are almost getting married, I always want to give you some dowry."

Qin Se shook his head: "I don't want these anymore. These are your things, so you can keep them... and, shouldn't these be passed on to your daughter-in-law? You gave them all to me. When Xiaozheng gets married, what will you give?"

Zhou Ping said, "I'm at this age. What use do I want these for? What's more, what do you do with Qin Zheng? The dowry is always for his daughter. His wife's dowry is given by his mother-in-law, and I am not his mother-in-law. ..."

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