You Are My Gravity

Chapter 1398: Quarrel

Xu Mu chuckled again and looked at Qin Zheng's eyes as if he were looking at a child with mental disabilities.

Qin Zheng was angry: "Hey, you old man, what do you look in your eyes, why do you always laugh at me? Did I make a mistake? How beautiful I am, how normal he likes me, I am very pleased People like it."

The corner of Xu Mu's mouth twitched. This kid was getting bolder and bolder. No, he had always been very bold. He even dared to say that he was an old man.

Xu Mu said lightly: "I didn't find it."

Qin Zheng bit the chicken bone and watched the game with concentration: "I'm going, how did you play this ball, you pass it..."

He was distracted and yelled to Xu Mu: "I want to tell my mother that you don't like his son at all. You just pretended to like me just to please him... You are so hypocritical. I want to report you."

Xu Mu shrugged with a nonchalant expression on his face. He said, "I didn't like you in the first place. If you weren't Zhou Ping's son, would you like me to care about you?"

Qin Zheng, biting his chicken wings, waited bitterly for Qin Zheng. After a while, he raised his head: "Woo..."

He angrily said: "I want to tell my mother..."

Xu Mu: "Whatever!"

"Also, you are not a dog, what dog barking do you learn..."

Qin Zheng yelled: "When did I learn how to bark? I was crying very sad. Didn't you see that I was crying?"

Xu Mu: "No."

Qin Zheng said that he complained, so naturally there was no such thing. One of them was watching the frying pan while the other was eating and watching the game. No one stopped bickering.

This is how the two get along. Xu Mu clearly felt that in this kind of getting along, the relationship between him and Qin Zheng was actually very close.

Qin Zheng always said verbally that he didn't like him and didn't want to accept him, but... he could run faster than anyone else after eating what he made, and he instinctively began to rely on his disapproving stepfather.

Xu Mu and Qin Zheng never get along as the elders and juniors. They are a bit like buddies, and they are in a good mood.

Time just passed by, and the ball game on TV was fierce.

Although the two were quarreling with each other, their anger was exceptionally harmonious. It was an outsider who joined them. When they saw the two of them, they definitely thought they had a very, very harmonious, very good relationship between father and son.

Until Xu Mu had fried all the chicken legs and wings, and after cleaning up, the score of the two teams was still zero to zero.

Qin Zheng was fascinated: "Oh, what a good opportunity just now, I didn't get in..."

Xu Mu walked over, squeezed a chicken leg, and took a bite: "I fried so much, you just ate like this, are you still sleeping tonight?"

Qin Zheng nodded: "Sleep, of course..."

Xu Mu glanced at his stomach: "Aren't you afraid of getting out of trouble?"

Qin Zheng was stunned for a moment: "Support?"

He shook his head: "No, I think...I'm not full yet."

"You..." Xu Mu suddenly didn't know what to say.

This stupid son is really... a rice bucket, yes, a rice bucket...

Is this silly boy too edible? Why doesn't he seem to know how to write the word full?

Qin Zheng leaned back: "Why do you look at me that way, okay, you don't think I can eat, how much do I eat, you are just like this, are you embarrassed to say that you will be my stepfather? Your face What?"


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