You Are My Gravity

Chapter 1400: Afraid of shame

Xu Mu certainly wouldn't delete it for him: "Oh, it's really rare, you still care about losing fans?"

Qin Zheng stretched out his hand to grab the phone: "Of course I care. Such ugly photos will be made into various emoticons in the next second, which will become my black history. I don't want to..."

Qin Zheng felt cold when he thought of seeing his ugly photos on the Internet in the future.

When I chat with people in the future, others will throw a emoticon pack over him. It feels terrible to think about it.

Xu Mu laughed at him: "It's still black history, do you still have little black history?"

As for Qin Zheng's ugly photos, he can make a complete set of emoticons.

Do you still care about this one?

Qin Zheng stomped anxiously: "You quickly delete it for me, this is too ugly, it will affect my future girlfriend, you are the continuation of the incense that affected our old Qin family."

"You can't find your girlfriend not because of the photos, but because of your brains. Tomorrow I will give you a brainstorm and make up for it."

Qin Zheng replied instinctively: "Roast the brain flower, okay, okay..."

After I finished speaking, I felt wrong, so I quickly saved it: "Bah, who is going to eat the roast brain, I asked you to delete the photo, you see what those fans say, they are all laughing at me."

After Xu Mu posted the ugly photos of Qin Zheng, his own fans and Qin Zheng's fans all said they were going to laugh.

As for leading Qin Zheng away, uh... this is not important, everyone's attention is on the photos.

Xu Mu said indifferently: "They laughed at you not once or twice. When your new song comes out, they will laugh at you even more. You should get used to it earlier. Li Junzhe should tell you that next week, you two will have a new song. If it’s posted, you should promote it yourself."

Qin Zheng shook his head: "I don't want..."

"Why don't you promote your work?"

Qin Zheng looked embarrassed: "I...I...I'm afraid of embarrassment. Others will definitely say that I sing so badly. Are you embarrassed to promote?

He still knows what the **** he sings himself, even if the sound master has done it, can't change the fact that his singing is really bad.

Xu Mu smiled: "You are still afraid of being ashamed. Why didn't you work hard before? Remember to publicize. This is your job. You have already done this business. If you dislike your work, do you still expect to be liked?"

Qin Zheng glanced at him: "But I didn't expect others to like it."

Just like him, he never thought about wanting others to like it from the beginning.

But what he thought seemed to be counterproductive in the end.

Xu Mu shook his head: "I'm really the staff member who manages your team's official WeChat account. I work hard to promote these days, but you and Chen Mo are completely indifferent. Do you give me a thumbs up?"

Qin Zheng clicked on his Weibo and saw Chen Mo's comment. He suddenly remembered: "Oops, I forgot. I said that today I will broadcast the game to Chen Mo. It's over..."

Qin Zheng also didn't care to let Xu Mu delete the ugly photos, and quickly sent a video to Chen Mo.

However, Chen Mo hung up for him.

Qin Zheng sent it to him again, and after waiting for a while Chen Mo was accepting his video call.

Before he could speak, Chen Mo opened his mouth and said, "Qin Zheng, I want to break up with you."

Qin Zheng smiled and said: "No, how can you break off friendship with me, besides me, who else can really treat you as a friend? Those people are all going for your money, only I'm going for you. of……"

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