You Are My Gravity

Chapter 1406: Very mysterious

After Mr. Wei finished speaking, Song Mingjue hesitated, he was really not so sure whether he wanted to see Gu Jingyuan.

Gu Jingyuan was unpredictable. When they met, there would still be no breakthrough progress in all likelihood. If you say one more sentence, you might make things worse.

Seeing Song Mingjue hesitating, Mr. Wei said, "You know your mother’s situation better than me. Gu Zhixin is hard to see. Unless Gu Jingyuan agrees first, if he agrees, it doesn’t matter if Gu Zhixin wishes or not. Meeting your mother, he will not refute any decision of Gu Jingyuan."

In fact, Mr. Wei didn't know what Song Mingjue was worried about. Song Mingjue only told him about his mother and Gu Zhixin. He did not say what the Song family is facing now.

Song Mingjue was never worried about whether Gu Zhixin would see him or not. He wanted to always be. He hoped that the Gu family would make a move and inject capital into the Song family to revitalize the Song family's enterprise.

That is a huge sum of money, no one can get it except Gu's family.

However, with such a large sum of money, how could the Gu family easily take it out?

Song Mingjue didn't dare to go to the bank to borrow, and once he went to the bank, the news could not be blocked.

However, if he is not sure that the Gu family will give them money, he dare not talk nonsense.

These things bound Song Mingjue's hands and feet, so that he couldn't do it boldly, and he didn't dare to say many things.

Therefore, he was not sure whether or not to see Gu Jingyuan.

Because he knew it in his heart, even if he saw it, it is estimated that... nothing can be done.

But missing... even more hopeless.

This is worrying.

Song Mingjue nodded: "Thank you Mr. Wei for being considerate of me, then... I beg you."

After hesitating, Song Mingjue decided to meet Gu Jingyuan.

Still the same sentence, if not, there is no hope.

The Song family is already alive and dead. At the worst and most dangerous time, what hope is there if you don't give it away?

After he went back, he had to think carefully about what he should say after seeing Gu Jingyuan.

Mr. Wei smiled: "It's nothing, it's just a small thing. If it can make your mother wish, that's also a good thing... Let's go and see the horse I bought last week..."

Song Mingjue nodded: "Okay..."

After spending a few days with Mr. Wei, he found this person really mysterious.

According to him, he returned to China a year ago, but he seems to have no foundation in China. The family is abroad and has no foundation in China. However, it took him half a year to become the hottest one in the Kyoto financial circle. .

And he is really rich. The new horse he bought is a fine breed bought from abroad and shipped by air. Not to mention the troublesome transportation and the expensive transportation cost, this horse is worth tens of millions.

And he never used this horse to race, he just likes it and keeps it for fun.

Horsemanship is one of the few things that Mr. Wei likes and belongs to sports.

The two of them stayed for a while to finish eating. During the meal, Song Mingjue hesitated and asked: "Mr. Wei, have you... met Gu Jingyuan?"

He knows too little about Gu Jingyuan, and the investigations are too one-sided, and they are all things that most people know.

These didn't help him much. If he wanted to convince Gu Jingyuan, he had to know more and more personal information.

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