You Are My Gravity

Chapter 1416: Not good at coaxing

Gu Jingyuan had dinner and changed his clothes. After Qin Se saw it, he pursed his lips and said unhappy: "If you wear such a bee to attract butterflies, you just say, why are you going?"

Gu Jingyuan smiled. He walked over and hugged Qin Se: "Baby, I am going to a reception tonight. I may come back later. You go to bed early and don't play with your phone for too long. If you are following a drama, just watch two episodes. You know?"

Qin Se rolled his eyes and said, "Who would you call a baby? Your baby hasn't been born in the stomach. The reception? Then would you take a female companion?"·

Gu Jingyuan picked up Qin Se and sat down, letting her sit on his lap. He originally wanted to say that he didn't have a female partner, and he didn't want to take her female partner over. He had to go through the scene and almost came back.

After all, this is a business meeting organized by the city government, so it is not appropriate for him not to go.

But seeing Qin Se's swelling look, Gu Jingyuan felt funny again, so he deliberately hesitated and said: "Well... the reception does mean that you need to bring a female companion to the show. I am going to let the company's female assistant make up the number...but I will be back soon..."

Qin Se raised a finger to poke Gu Jingyuan’s chest and said: "Okay you Gu Jingyuan, your wife and children are all alone at home, you ran out and took the little secretary to spend a lot of time, you are still not a human... You said, if you were today If you don’t make it clear, our mothers... just... cry for you!"

Gu Jingyuan grabbed Qin Se's finger and couldn't smile: "Well, let me make it clear, can't you tell me honestly?"

Qin Se drew his finger and turned his head away from him.

"'s late, already crying, your baby is crying in your stomach, it hasn't been born yet, and my father doesn't love him anymore. I know that all the things on the Internet are right. You must despise me. She is a woman with a child, and she dislikes me for being ugly...Unexpectedly, Gu Jingyuan, you are such a person."

Gu Jingyuan frowned and thought about it for a while: "Uh..."

How should he answer this?

Seeing that he didn't answer, Qin Se glared at him and said: "Look, you hesitated, you are not sure, I know, you must dislike me, Gu Jingyuan...I'm going to find my mother. I want your mother-in-law to teach you a good lesson..."

Gu Jingyuan hugged Qin Se to keep her from moving, he smiled and said, "Baby, you really think too much..."

Qin Se snorted: "I didn't think too much. That's what you think. You just think it's not good to look at me, do you think that my brain is not good, you think I am stupid..."

Gu Jingyuan squeezed her face: "Baby, you really think too much, you originally didn't look good..."

Qin Se: "What did you say?"

Gu Jingyuan touched his nose, and his voice was a little quieter than before: "Besides, you were pretty stupid, didn't you?"

Qin Se's eyes widened, and he stretched out two hands to pinch Gu Jingyuan's cheeks on both sides: "Do you still dare to ask me? Gu Jingyuan, what do you want, do you dislike me?"

Gu Jingyuan's face was a little deformed, but it didn't hurt, and Qin Se didn't use much effort.

He endured the urge to laugh, and said, "No no...really no, you see, you don’t look good, and your brain is not so good. I don’t still love you and live as I love you? So, those are all It doesn't matter... Don't be angry."

Qin Se's cheeks puffed up: "It's too late to say this, the one that is not good!"


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