You Are My Gravity

Chapter 1418: Sue

Qin Se looked at Gu Jingyuan suspiciously. He lowered his head and kissed her lips: "By 9 o'clock, you won't know."

"If you leave, if you can't, I won't find you?"

Gu Jingyuan hugged Qin Se and said, "But, I always have to come back. You can also ask me to settle the account when you come back."

Qin Se think about it, too.

She tugged Gu Jingyuan’s tie, and said, “In this case, today... I will let you go first. But, you’ll remember that you have a wife and children at home, and a man with a big family. For those of you, don’t recruit bees and butterflies outside. If you dare to provoke the flowers, I’ll... I’ll let Mom cast you a curse, and I curse you for bad luck every day..."

Gu Jingyuan nodded again and again: "Don't worry, your husband's character is reliable. I will take a male assistant to participate. There are no female companions. Within three meters, I will definitely not let other women approach, okay?"

Qin Se raised his eyebrows: " you."

"Then I'll go first..." Gu Jingyuan pouted Qin Se's pursed mouth.

Qin Se waved his hand, not wanting to pay attention to him.

After Gu Jingyuan left, Qin Se went to Zhou Ping to follow the drama.

While chasing the drama, Qin Se said to Zhou Ping: "Mom, you must teach your uncle when you look back! He is going to rebel."

Zhen Bao'er pricked up her ears when she heard it, and leaned in front of Qin Se, "Is there something?"

Gu Zhixin wondered, what should I do about this, will I help criticize Big Brother for a while, Big Brother say a few words?

But when he glanced at the three women next to him, Gu Zhixin thought for a while. He still didn't speak and pretended to be invisible. There was really no way. Just...just... united with his wife. After all, the eldest brother is not at home now.

Zhou Ping spit out the skin of melon seeds: "What's wrong?"

Bai Lu is hooking her hat with woolen thread. She has become fascinated by knitting recently. She intends to knit a hat for her family alone and wear it in winter.

She said: "Jing Yuan wants to rebel? Shanshan, are you right?"

Qin Se ate the walnuts that Gu Jingyuan had peeled for him: "How could I make a mistake? You don't know: He...he actually said that I am not good-looking, and that my brain is not good, Mom, you Look, men are just unreliable..."

Zhou Ping: "This..."

She turned to look at Bai Lu.

Bai Lu cleared his throat and lowered his head to continue knitting the hat.

Gu Zhixin and Zhen Baoer glanced at each other, lowered their heads, shrank their necks, and tried their best to keep their heads down.

Qin Se didn’t see everyone’s reaction. She said very seriously, “Mom, do you think it’s too much, do you think you should teach him? When he comes back, you will close the small black room for him, and you will follow him. conversation……"

Zhou Ping's movements of eating melon seeds were slow: "But...but..."

Zhou Ping gave a light kick with her foot, and Bai Lu asked her to say a few words.

But Bai Lu bowed his head, not speaking, but not speaking.

Zhou Ping was embarrassed. This made her say what she should say. She hesitated for a while: "Shanshan, this question... indeed... Jingyuan, how can you say that you don't look good... Our family is good." Shan is pretty good... isn't it?"

Zhen Baoer and Gu Zhixin nodded again and again: "Yes, yes, good-looking..."

But on the issue of IQ, Zhou Ping is really hard to say, and Gu Jingyuan is right?

Your mind is really not so good, this is a fact...

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