You Are My Gravity

Chapter 1430: unable

When Chen Fangwu thought about it this way, the mood that was almost crushed was reinvigorated with joy at this moment.

Today this is really an opportunity God gave her. It is to let her and the male **** reconnect. She must grasp it, and in any case, must chase the male god. Such a superb man, if he can marry him, let her She will live less than 10 years, she is willing.

Chen Fangwu took a deep breath and regained her mood, and said: "It's okay. It's okay. It's normal for a senior as an excellent person to like you so much. Today... I'm so happy. I didn't expect it. After so many years, I am so happy that I can still meet the senior..."

Facing Gu Jingyuan, Chen Fangwu was too excited. With this excitement, he was a little stuttered in his speech, and he couldn't keep up with it.

Chen Fangwu couldn't wait to smoke her big mouth. Why is she so stupid? Isn't she usually good at talking? How come I see the male **** today, it seems that I can't speak.

Gu Jingyuan nodded and did not speak. The woman standing in front of him looked at his eyes too hot, which made him very unhappy. He has a family and a mouth, it is really not suitable to go too close to such a woman. She had said a few words. If this were to let their wife know about it, she would definitely not let him in when she went home.

Gu Jingyuan was ready to leave, and didn't plan to spend it here.

"I still have something..."

Gu Jingyuan didn't even think about the excuses beside him, so he turned to leave.

But why is Chen Fangwu willing? She is not willing to let Gu Jingyuan go like this. Why should she leave a contact information?

"Senior, wait... can you... leave a contact information, I... I..." Chen Fangwu blushed as she talked and couldn't think of excuses.

She gritted her teeth and said: "Senior, I just said that I confessed to you back then, I...I, even though so many years have passed, I have always liked you. You are my first love and I have always liked you. People, when you went abroad after graduation, so did I. I was stupid because I wanted to follow in your footsteps. It's a pity... I always stagger with you. Although some people have chased me over the years, but... In my heart, there is always only you, and there has never been anyone else. I just returned to China last year. I originally wanted to go to the Wellcome Hospital. However, for some reason, I went to another hospital. Today, my uncle asked me to join this. I actually don’t want to come to the banquet, but... I didn’t expect to meet you here. I think this is our fate and the opportunity God gave me. I think... I want to grasp it, senior... Can't you give me a chance?"

Chen Fangwu was embarrassed to say that Wellcome didn't want her because she was not good at medical ethics.

Gu Jingyuan frowned and said displeased: "No."

He answered very decisively, with a slight stern voice.

If this were replaced by others who heard Chen Fangwu’s affectionate confession, I would have been touched, but Gu Jingyuan only found it troublesome, too troublesome. He came to a reception and met him. The same school alumnus still like him. Not coming.

Gu Jingyuan turned around to leave, and Chen Fangwu chased up again: "Why... why, senior, I don’t think you have a female partner by your side, you must be single, then... then why can’t you give me a chance to pursue you? ?"

Gu Jingyuan: "No!"


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