You Are My Gravity

Chapter 1437: Mental illness

Gu Jingyuan was so angry that he almost didn't lift it up. Who released such a shameless thing?

His eyes turned into a knife and cut Chen Fangwu’s throat. He said coldly and sternly: "I have said many times, how many years have you liked me and what does it have to do with me? I rejected you when I was in college, and, It's me, my wife who met first, what are you? Even without my wife, I can't like you as a woman."

Someone in the crowd exaggeratedly exclaimed: "My God, this is moral kidnapping? Isn't it...what kind of logic are you? If you like you for many years, they will like you. Those who like Fans who have been with a certain star for many years, can they ask the star to marry her? What's a joke?"

"Tsk tusk, I'm afraid there is really something wrong with my brain, this is a crazy woman... Mr. Gu is really unlucky."

"Yeah, if she really said this, then I would have married a long time ago, and I have to wait until now? It's not so crazy to be crazy, I just want it."

Chen Fangwu was stunned by the crowd and couldn't come to the stage, so she looked at her uncle for help.

Seeing that the situation could no longer be controlled, Vice Mayor Chen quickly said: "Okay, okay, let's all go, let's go, Fang Wu... This is just drinking too much, drunk crazy, sorry everyone... …"

He said to Gu Jingyuan again: "Mr. Gu...I'm sorry, I really troubled you. Fang Wu, the child, is too hard-hearted to look away. After you go back, I will let his parents talk about her and let him She stayed out, drinking so much wine, she is really sorry..."

Deputy Mayor Chen scolded, "Fang Wu, can't you get up and apologize to Mr. Gu?"

Vice Mayor Chen was also very irritable at the moment. Chen Fangwu's tricks made him bleak. After all, he brought the people, and she was embarrassed, that would be the Chen family.

He can only think of a way to minimize the impact of things. Although...maybe not very useful, but if it is not too big, he should do it.

As long as Chen Fangwu cooperated with what he said, pretending to be drunk, shaking, and saying a few words drunkly, this matter might be able to get through.

But... Chen Fangwu refused to cooperate, she didn't get her uncle's good intentions at all.

Chen Fangwu cried and stood up and said, "No, I am not wrong. What is wrong with liking someone, why should I apologize? I am willing to do anything to pursue my love. I will not give up... …"

After speaking, Chen Fangwu ran away.

Obsession is a person's mental illness. She has been thinking about Gu Jingyuan for so many years and dreaming about what will happen after being with Gu Jingyuan.

Over time, her psychology has changed. She feels that Gu Jingyuan should belong to her even more.

Chen Fangwu has always felt that although Gu Jingyuan will get married next month, in the final analysis, he is still not married. Before getting married, all kinds of things are possible.

She is still very confident in herself and still thinks that as long as she is given a chance, as long as he is willing to not know her deeply, that's why she will look at other women. She is such a good person, and the men around her like her. , All the men who have been on blind date with her, no matter how high their status, will come to her happily.

Gu Jingyuan is no exception!

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