You Are My Gravity

Chapter 1443: pauper

Song Mingjue watched Gu Jingyuan's car leave, but he couldn't say anything. ,

Gu Jingyuan had a showdown with him today and cut off all his hopes.

At this moment, Song Mingjue seemed to be slapped with a whip in his face. A face was slapped with flesh and blood.

He was depressed and hated... He hated Gu Jingyuan's loftyness, hated Gu Zhixin's indifference, hated Gu family, and he also hated his parents. It was his father's incompetence that led to the decline of the Song family. He hated his mother. His mother was too much. Selfish, if he had been a little better to Gu Zhixin, they would not be trampled by people like this when they come to Kyoto today.

He hates many people...

Song Mingjue used to feel that his life is very beautiful, he planned every step of his own, and he figured out how he should go.


The sudden change of the Song family caused him to plan his life path, and he was suddenly disrupted, and his pride was also defeated.

At this moment, in front of Gu Jingyuan, what was crushed became a powder, and nothing was left.

Song Mingyuan had imagined countless times that without these changes, how bright his future would be, and what a great cause he could accomplish based on the Song family.

But now, the Song family is about to collapse, and the grand blueprint he once drew out is all in vain at this moment.

Song Mingjue couldn't see his future path clearly. All he could see before his eyes was darkness and confusion.


Song Mingjue looked at the dark night sky and kept asking why, why should he be so cruel to him?

He has done nothing wrong, has done no harm, and he is just a young man who has just entered society.

However, why should he bear the burden? This is an unbearable burden.

The sky did not know when it was drizzling, and the rain fell on Song Mingjue's body. It looked like a male pig's feet in the TV series that was drenched in the rain. It was miserable and cold...

Song Mingjue saw the uncle scavengers on the opposite side, and walked forward staggeringly. He was alone, crouching, and desolate in the cold wind. He didn't even have an umbrella to cover the rain.

Song Mingjue shook his head. He didn't want it. He was determined not to live such a life. When he thought that if the Song family fell like this, when he was old, he might be like this old man, living in poverty, not having enough to eat and not being warm. Sleeping on the streets, in this huge world, no eaves can shelter him from wind and rain.

Think about it, Song Mingjue feels terrified, he can't do this, he needs money, a lot of money.

Song Mingjue's eyes were full of anger and hatred, but now they all turned into fear.

He murmured to himself: "I won't fall like this, I can't admit defeat like this, my life has just begun, so I can't end like this..."

Yes, money, he wants to make money, make a lot of money, to maintain his own life.

Regardless of whether the Song family will fall or not, he will prepare for you and prepare money for himself.

In fact, Song Mingjue currently has a lot of money in his hands. For an ordinary family, if a little bit of the money in his hand is allocated, it will be enough for others to survive for decades.

But for Song Mingjue and his family, who are used to extravagance, they are paupers.

For example, in the eyes of ordinary people, one hundred thousand is a lot of money, but in their eyes, it is about ten dollars.

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