You Are My Gravity

Chapter 1461: I'm not afraid

Xu Mu shook his head: "Smelly boy, there are so many people in the family, what do you need to prepare? Also pick the big beam, you look at your shoulder, what do you pick, who will let you pick, wait until you become an adult, you can go back It's no use, honestly, don't be a monster."

Gu Jingyuan and Qin Se's wedding didn't need anyone else to do anything at all. Gu Jingyuan took it all by himself. At home, Qin Se and Zhou Ping were actually just like okay people.

Qin Zheng patted the table and said, "I don't, I won't. I must go back a few days in advance. How can I go back late for such an important occasion? Absolutely not."

Xu Mu said: "Hey, kid, don't shoot me on the table. This is what your mother told me. If you have the ability, you should go to your mother. Ask her to allow you to go back a few days in advance. If you can't, don't look for it. I said……"

Qin Zheng stood up angrily, "Old Xu, what do you want me to say about you...Ah, you are a big man, do you have any promise? As a man, how about your backbone and your blood? If you say this, you are not ashamed. This is such a big deal. You want me to ask my mother. Are you so afraid of my mother?"

Xu Mu looked at Qin Zheng without speaking, and stared at him for a long time before he frowned and said, "Smelly boy, if you want to talk like this, I'm not happy."

Qin Zheng looked at Xu Mu’s expression and felt that he must be upset, he must be angry. After all, there is a man who would want people to say that he is afraid of women. What's more, Xu Mu's actor who is in such a mess is to save face. Hello!

However, since this was the result Qin Zheng wanted, he was deliberately angering Xu Mu, and he was using the method.

Qin Zheng continued to provoke: "If you are not happy, I have to say, you are just afraid of my mother, cut... I originally thought you were a great character, but I didn't expect that you are so persuaded, you have nothing to do. You are so scared before entering our house. From now on, if you get what you want, you still have a voice?"

Xu Mu pointed to Qin Zheng, there was a big fire: "You still say, don't you?"

Qin Zheng snorted: "I want to say... I want to say, you are just afraid of my mother, you are just afraid, you talk about you as a big actor, you don't feel embarrassed, your fans know What will happen to you like this? You must be deprived of fans, who would want an idol like you? They must all dislike you in particular."

Xu Mu said angrily: "Qin Zheng, shut up, you are going too far, don't think I will do anything to you..."

Qin Zheng grimaced at Xu Mu: "Then come here, come here, I want to see what you can do with me, if you dare to do something to me today, you see how I go back and tell my mother, look at me Will Mom clean up you...huh..."

Xu Mu shouted angrily: "Smelly boy, shut up, am I afraid?"

Qin Zheng snorted: "Aren't you scared, what are you? I think you are scared. Do you dare to say that you are not scared of my mother? If you dare to say today, I will treat you as a man."

Xu Mu rolled up his sleeves: "Smelly boy, are you trying to force me? Do you really think I dare not say, I will tell you today, I am not afraid..."

Qin Zheng immediately said, "Don't be afraid of anything, do you have the ability?"

Say it quickly, take me home.


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