You Are My Gravity

Chapter 1464: Very good match

Zhuang Shuo raised his hand: "Oh, yes, no, I made a mistake, OK? Hey, these days... everyone doesn't like to hear the truth..."

Qin Zheng turned his head and stared at him.

Zhuang Shuo was not scared at all, but continued: "But, seriously, I think, Teacher Xu, treat you really well, treat me better than my own father, and I must educate my father well after I return. , Don’t ask him to treat me with the standard of his father, just use the standard of Teacher Xu’s father."

Qin Zheng kicked Zhuang Shuo: "You still have energy, aren't you?"

Zhuang Shuo smiled and said, "No no, I just envy you, can't I envy you? Besides, I am going to go back and let my dad reflect on it. Don't beat me all day, I don't know how to treat me better."

Bystander Qing, in the eyes of Zhuang Shuo and others, Qin Zheng and Xu Mu's relationship is really very, very good.

This is no worse than the biological father and son, but it feels better than the biological ones.

Although it seems to be bickering and disgusting with each other all day, this just proves that the relationship between the two is good. If the relationship is not good, it will not be like this. It will only be polite and alienated. Thank you, that kind of strangeness is really bad.

Qin Zheng snorted, and he had a bad relationship with Xu Mu, not good at all!

After waiting for a while, before the teacher came, Zhuang Shuo couldn’t help himself. He turned his head and looked around. He pounded Qin Zheng with his elbow, and said in a low voice, “Hey, did you see it? Qiao Weiwei is looking at you again. Stop talking, stop talking, want to say..."

Qin Zheng couldn't listen anymore and interrupted him, and whispered, "You have enough, what do you want to say, what desires, why don't you just say you want to burn yourself..."

Zhuang Shuo looked at Qin Zheng in shock, with a look of disbelief: "My God, Xiao Zheng... It's incredible, you are a bad student, you dare to say this word, Xiao Zheng, you can..."

Qin Zheng slapped off the hand that Zhuang Shuo had just placed on his shoulder: "Don't move your hands or feet, I don't want to talk to you much now."

Qin Zheng had already felt that Qiao Weiwei was looking at him, and he was uncomfortable looking at him.

Since the last time he refused, Qin Zheng has been hiding from Qiao Weiwei. After class at night, he would leave as soon as possible, and would never give Qiao Weiwei a chance to find it alone.

In class, Qiao Weiwei would always look at him with affectionate looks, and Qin Zheng who looked straight at him wanted to hit someone. This kind of harassment made him very annoying.

Of course Zhuang Shuo wouldn't just shut up honestly. He moved to Qin Zheng's side again: "Hey, I think Qiao Weiwei treats you as if...a bit too much..."

Qin Zheng replied unhappily: "It was originally, too much."

He has refused it many times, and he has already said clearly, but Qiao Weiwei seems to be unable to understand people, and has to harass him again and again.

Qin Zheng sometimes thinks, or he should call the police and say that someone has "sexually harassed" him.

Zhuang Shuo lowered his voice: "Before, I thought, this Qiao Weiwei looks good. It’s the first love of the nation. She seems to have a good personality. It's not a few years younger than you. You are a good match for you. In fact, You can try to fall in love, but... Observing these days, I always think she seems...seems..."

Zhuang Shuo was a bit tangled and didn't know what to say.

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