You Are My Gravity

Chapter 1471: Change lines

Qin Zheng understood that the greatest thing about this man was not anger, but despair of being sad, despair of being betrayed, anger second, and hatred last...

Qin Zheng tried his best to reflect the momentary emotional changes of this character and perform a sense of hierarchy.

As for whether others can see it, he doesn't care, anyway... he will do his best as much as possible.

In the original script, Qin Zheng should shout hysterically at this time: Why, why are you betraying me?

But Qin Zheng hesitated and did not act according to what was written in the script. He felt that this was too superficial. What kind of roar, is roar interesting? Besides, I'm going to betray you, and I asked why, this is too stupid, you have the ability to go up and beat you up?

Qin Zheng wanted to beat up these dog men and women, but after he thought about it, let's forget it. This is acting. What if the hard work really hurts people? Moreover, he hasn't really tried playing games yet, in case it's wrong for a business trip!

So Qin Zheng stood there, looking at the "dog man and woman" in front of him, without speaking, his eyes were sad from the beginning, and after experiencing anger and hatred, he gradually became cold and fierce, as if he could kill each other in the next second. When he was put to death, Zhuang Shuo felt a bit cold in his heart.

This is the effect Qin Zheng wants. Sometimes it is silent, more shocking than a hysterical roar.

Zhuang Shuo felt frustrated, should Qin Zheng say lines in the script? Why didn't he say it? Did he forget the words?

Zhuang Shuo hesitated, should he remind Qin Zheng?

But the next second he didn't expect that Qin Zheng would jump over his lines and directly said the lines of his scumbag girlfriend. He squeezed his throat, his voice trembling, with fear: "Dear, listen. I said I……"

Zhuang Shuo reacted quickly enough and hurriedly followed his own lines, "My buddy, listen to me, yes... she seduced me. You heard it just now. This woman is very nasty. She said it herself. With your money, sleeping with your friends, this kind of life is interesting. Such a woman is really shameless..."

Qin Zheng waved his hand very femininely, and said in a panic: "No, no, I didn't seduce him, dear, you have to believe me, I really don't, I..."

Qin Zheng’s voice changed before he finished speaking, and immediately changed to a cold, calm, and somewhat cold voice: "Very scared? You all dare to do this behind my back, why are you afraid of being me? Discovery? Do you think that carrying the person behind your back and doing antagonistic things makes you very exciting and a sense of accomplishment? If this is the case, then I am here, and you are in the house I paid for , Do you feel more stimulating and more interesting if you slept on the bed I bought by myself? If so, go ahead and let me see... how sordid, shameless, and disgusting a person is To do such a thing?"

Qin Zheng said this long line in one breath.

His voice sounded calm, with no ups and downs, but after he finished speaking, the audience could hear the complex changes in emotions.

Originally, he didn't hold any hope for Qin Zheng, and there were still some gloats. People waiting to see the jokes really couldn't laugh at this time.

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