You Are My Gravity

Chapter 1479: Old and powerful

Xu Mu now sees Qin Zheng with an extra, a senior actor, and seeing potential younger generations, feels the joy and joy of successors.

This is different from the father's view of his son, which is more of a relief.

Xu Mu has been acting for so many years. Although his own acting skills are already very good, he is also a person who pays attention to the development of the film and television industry.

Today's entertainment industry is becoming more and more unhealthy. It is difficult for new actors who really have acting skills if they want to rely on their face and speculation.

Therefore, Xu Mu also hopes that there will be a successor in the film and television industry in his country, and that the next generation of new-generation actors can come out of some actors who do not rely on scandals, do not rely on traffic, and really rely on good works, good acting skills, and come out. This kind of domestic film and television. Circle is the direction of healthy development.

Only in this way can the country's film and television industry develop sustainably and healthily, and can better go abroad.

Xu Mu is not an actor who only looks at his own one-acre three-quarter land. He has a broader vision and he sees farther.

If you encounter seedlings who really feel good, Xu Mu will ask the company to sign them, and try to provide them with a healthy and good development environment. Don’t be polluted by bad habits in the big dyeing tank of the entertainment industry, and don’t let them be easily exposed. Buried, and then wasted a little time, wasted his own life.

Although Xu Mu did sign a few fairly good new actors, but... only Qin Zheng's performance gave him the most amazing feeling.

The feeling is so wonderful that I can’t describe it. It’s like a baby you've been looking for for a long time, but I didn’t expect it to be by my side and at home. The ecstasy is beyond words.

Qin Zheng's performance is undoubtedly shocking. After so many years, Qin Zheng is the kind of kid with extremely high talent that Xu Mu has seen.

Qin Zheng belongs to the kind of food that God appreciates and should have been born with.

His performance is very comfortable, not embarrassing at all. Unlike some actors, no matter how hard he works, how hard he looks, how loud he shouts, he just keeps the audience from entering the role, and it feels like a second of the performance.

Qin Zheng is really embarrassed to be praised this time, his ears are a little red.

He touched his nose, feeling so strange. The feeling of being praised by Old Xu was fluttering, and suddenly he didn't recognize himself.

Oops, he would be shy if he was so boastful.

Zhuang Shuo was very excited. If it wasn't for the atmosphere of the scene to be too depressing, everyone except him had ugly expressions, and he couldn't help but want to applaud.

They are really old and powerful.

Xu Mu suppressed his excitement and said, "Of course, Qin Zheng's performance also has his shortcomings. He is too young and inexperienced, so his performance will inevitably be a bit jerky, but these things will grow with his age. The accumulation of experience will gradually overcome it. This is not a problem."

Xu Mu looked at Yu Chengjing: "And Yu Chengjing, he has been in the industry for ten years. In the past ten years, how many roles have been played, big and small, right? I have followed him before and played with him. After that, a play... Yu Chengjing, with all due respect, you may not be happy with what I said, but I still have to say that the play we played together was three years ago, but... compared to three years ago Now you, I have not seen any progress..."

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