You Are My Gravity

Chapter 1483: Unkind

Qin Zheng was stunned for a moment, he glanced at Zhuang Shuo, I went, what kind of expression is this, as if it was too hot to see his first love, right?

Although, he also admitted that the words that only Lao Xu said were indeed shocking and reasonable, but...Zhuang Shuo's expression is too exaggerated, right?

Qin Zheng looked from the left to the right, everyone was excited and said, he thought about it...Should he also take two pictures?

Xu Mu raised his hand and asked everyone to stop applauding: "Okay, you are still young, as long as you put your mind on the punctuality, study hard, try to figure out, there will be improvement, although some people have good talents, However, if you don’t work hard, it’s useless. In the final analysis, as long as you work hard, your acting skills will improve. , You have to step by step and walk down to earth."

"Today's class, let's stop here. If something makes you feel uncomfortable, I'll apologize to you. I still have something to do. Just leave. You continue to work hard and end the get out of class."

As soon as Xu Mu's voice fell, Zhuang Shuo was the first to rush up: "Teacher Xu, I really benefited a lot from this class, thank you..."

Xu Mu smiled and said: "Actually, you did a good job just now, was a bit cruel to be crushed by Qin Zheng."

Zhuang Shuo nodded: "Hey, I understand, I understand, when we both performed, I was shocked by him. I was really convinced by Qin Zheng's acting just now."

Qin Zheng dangled and said nothing.

Yu Chengjing also came over and said a few words to Xu Mu. The others came over and wanted to talk, but Xu Mu was about to catch a plane. The deputy director asked them to do their own things, and then said to Qin Zheng, "Little Zheng, The class is over, can you send Teacher Xu off?"

Qin Zheng: "I... forget it..."

Xu Mu grabbed Qin Zheng's shoulder: "Smelly boy, let's go!"

Qin Zheng yelled: "I won't go. Who said I will send you off, and you won't take me home. Why should I send you? I won't go..."

However, it was useless, Xu Mu dragged him into the car.

Someone enviously said, "It's great for Qin Zheng to have Teacher Xu as a father."

"Yeah, I'm really envious. If I have such a father, I don't need to urge me to work hard..."

This is a bit sour, Zhuang Shuo said: "Even if you have a father like Teacher Xu, you have to have Qin Zheng's talent."

The man snorted and ignored Zhuang Shuo.

After getting in the car, Qin Zheng was still not very happy. After a while, he asked: "You... why are you so kind today that you compliment me?"

Xu Mu raised his eyebrows: "Why, not happy to be praised?"

Qin Zheng: "I just feel that you are uneasy and kind."

Xu Mu asked him: "Are you not confident in yourself?"

"Nonsense, I... Of course I don't have confidence anymore. Every night you say that I am useless, and you suddenly praise me. Of course I feel that something is wrong."

Qin Zheng was a little embarrassed, and arrogantly turned his head to look outside, not at Xu Mu.

Xu Mu sighed: "Before I, I always thought you were too bad, but when you performed today, I found out that there are still people who are worse than you. There is no way. I can only praise you from the lame. ..."

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