You Are My Gravity

Chapter 1500: Buy gifts

Zhen Baoer: "Don't go, hurry up, don't linger, I have to buy mine."

She would be really embarrassed if Gu Zhixin followed along with the things she wanted to buy. She was also a shameless person.

Gu Zhixin sighed: "Well then..."

He took out a card from his pocket and stuffed it to Zhen Baoer: "If you see something you like, just buy it, don't save me money..."

Zhen Baoer squeezed a thin card, stood on tiptoe and kissed Gu Zhixin: "Okay, I see, you go now... you buy it, and return it here."

"it is good……"

After Zhen Baoer watched Gu Zhixin leave, she held the bank card and went straight to the destination.

What he bought for Qin Se was **** underwear, which was so shy that Gu Zhixin must not be seen.

As a best friend, you must send **** underwear when the other party gets married, that's for sure.

Although...Qin Se can't wear it at all now, after all, she's also a pregnant woman, even if it's a wedding night, she can't really do anything, but...if it is given away, it will be the same. Then she can wear it to make Gu Jingyuan look greedy of.

Zhen Baoer walked into the underwear shop. Inside, there were female customers in twos and threes, as well as a young couple in their early twenties. The boys were very delicate. The girl who was dragged in by his girlfriend was probably blushing and almost bleeding. Beside the girl, I was embarrassed all over the body. I was embarrassed. I wanted to go out. He saw other female customers, looked at him, blushing and quickly lowered his head.

The shopping guide from the underwear shop came over and asked, "Miss, what can I do for you?"

Zhen Baoer gently pulled her aside and asked in a low voice, "My girlfriend will get married soon. I have to give her a set of underwear. That's it, you understand?"

Zhen Baoer blinked at the shopping guide lady.

The shopping guide immediately understood: "Okay, I understand, some and some. The types of underwear in our store are very complete. You have everything you want. Come with me!"

Sex, underwear, they did not hang out, the outside scraping is generally more conservative.

The shopping guide first gave Zhen Baoer a pictorial booklet. It was full of **** lingerie styles. She looked through it for a while and couldn't help swallowing her saliva. These lingeries were really... so sexy. She was blushing and heartbeat when she saw it. If a man sees this, who can hold it?

The shopping guide asked: "Miss, do you see these styles, do you like it? Our brand has a lot of these styles, and...the design is particularly **** and should meet your requirements."

Zhen Baoer nodded: "It fits very well, there are too many, I don't know which set to buy."

The shopping guide whispered: "Since your girlfriend is married, the color must be a little festive. Big red must have one set. If you want other colors, you can get two more sets. For activities, if you spend 5 items, you get 30% off, and if you spend 10, you get 50% off.

Zhen Baoer heard that this is okay, and the discount is still quite large.

"That's fine. I will give her a few sets of this kind of underwear, two more ordinary sets, and a few ordinary sets for myself."

After listening to the shopping guide, this is a big customer, so he nodded quickly: "Of course you can, of course..."

Zhen Baoer reported Qin Se's size, chose 4 sets of **** underwear, and then bought 6 sets of ordinary styles based on their sizes.

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