You Are My Gravity

Chapter 1528: old lady

Qin Se had to wear two sets of clothes that day, one set of Chinese style and one set of western style. The Chinese style was the intangible cultural heritage embroidery lady who specially invited Su to embroider. A set of dragon and phoenix wedding dresses embroidered for Qin Se by stitch and thread, very gorgeous ,luxury.

Qin Se also tried it on, but it fits well and doesn't need to be changed.

After coming back, Qin Se and them were very excited, especially Qin Se, who was not nervous at all. On the contrary, she was looking forward to the wedding. She wanted to quickly put on that beautiful wedding dress.

Before going out this morning, Gu Jingyuan said to Qin Se: "Today I will ask the secretary of the company to come over and tell you about the wedding process at that time, and I will show you a picture of the wedding scene. Listen to it..."

"Well, I see..."

Gu Jingyuan lowered his head and kissed Qin Se's cheek: "I'm leaving. I have something to do today. I won't be here at noon. You may come back later in the evening. You don't have to wait for me to eat together."

Qin Se thought Gu Jingyuan was busy with work today, "Okay, then you remember to eat... Don't get busy, forget everything."

"Don't worry, I won't forget..." Gu Jingyuan hugged Qin Se before leaving.

He didn't plan to go to the company today. After going out, he went to the nursing home first and met the old lady who hadn't seen him for a long time.

Probably because of the fight for power, she knew that there was no hope, so she gave up her mind and stopped thinking about other things, and she didn't dare to think about harming others. The old lady was recuperating in the nursing home for so many days. It’s better than before, people are fatter, their complexion is better, and they walk more energetically than before.

Seeing Gu Jingyuan coming over, he let out a cold snort, turned and left.

Gu Jingyuan didn't stop, and followed her back to her room.

This sanatorium has a very good scenery and good air. There is nothing to worry about living here. What I do every day is some self-cultivation, and it is inevitable that the old lady is getting better and better.

The place where the old lady lives is also very good. It is the best house in the nursing home. Although Gu Jingyuan got her here, he didn't really want to kill her, and provided her with the best conditions.

Gu Jingyuan walked into the house, took a look, and said, "It seems that the recuperation during this period is very beneficial to grandmother's body."

Old lady Gu said angrily: "Why I am not dead, you are very upset."

Gu Jingyuan said lightly: "Grandma laughed."

The old lady was very unkind and said, "Let's say, what are you here today, there is nothing you can exploit in my old and immortal body."

Gu Jingyuan is not angry with her. After all, he is the winner now, so why bother with a failed old man. He smiled and said, "I am here today. Naturally, something is going on. But grandmother is right. You have nothing worthy of me. I came to get it, so you don’t have to. What can't you say if you are so angrily?"

"You..." Old lady Gu was a little bit out of breath.

This little beast even had the face to say that there was something he couldn't say properly. At the beginning, she talked with him painstakingly, did he listen?

Now that he has won, she needs to tell him well, she...she...

The old lady Gu suddenly couldn't get out of her breath. What can she do now, the current Gu family has all fallen into the hands of Gu Jingyuan, she is an old lady who is waiting to die, what else can she do? What can I say?

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