You Are My Gravity

Chapter 1545: Scared to death

He fell asleep soon, he didn't even know when Zhuang Shuo fell asleep.


At around 2 am in the middle of the night, the entire building was asleep. Qin Zheng was awakened by urine and got up to go to the bathroom.

They live in an older building. There is only one large public bathroom on each floor, and there is no separate room.

Everyone usually washes and goes to the toilet in the public restroom.

Qin Zheng yawned, rubbing his eyes and walked to the toilet.

This is the reason why he doesn't like living in this kind of dormitory. It's too inconvenient. There is no secret to washing up. He still likes to stay in Lao Xu's house.

The lights in the corridor were on, there was no sound around, only Qin Zheng's own rubbing footsteps rang in the corridor.

Qin Zheng came to the bathroom, took off his pants and peeed with his eyes closed.

The sound of clattering sounded in the silent bathroom. Qin Zheng was very sleepy. His eyes were always closed. He didn't notice. A dark shadow slowly approached behind him.


The next second, Qin Zheng's scream sounded in the bathroom.

In the middle of the night, such screams sounded particularly irritating.

After a while, Qin Zheng looked at the person in front of him with a shocked look, and pointed at him: ""

At this time, Qin Zheng had no sleep at all, and all ran away, his hands were a little trembling.

The other party waved in front of him: "Stupid?"

Qin Zheng clutched his heart that was about to stop suddenly, "Oh, my god..."

His face turned pale, and he said angrily: "Chen Mo, you are a ghost or a ghost. You scared me to death. Why are you here?"

Qin Zheng suddenly jumped a step: "You, shouldn't something really happen to you, and then most of the soul of the night came to me, right?"

Just now, Qin Zheng was urinating in a daze, and suddenly he was slapped on the shoulder. He was so scared that he could not urinate at the time. He screamed and turned his head and saw Chen Mo.

Chen Mo's face suddenly appeared here in the middle of the night like an airborne. It was really scarier than hell.

Qin Zheng's face turned pale now.

Chen Mo disliked: "What are you thinking about? How could I be a ghost? Besides, you don't want to think about what your ancestors did. You can't be afraid of ghosts for anything you are afraid of. "

Qin Zheng froze for a moment, yes, yes, it should be ghosts who are afraid of me. Our family is an ancestor who catches ghosts. I am also considered a half **** stick. I still have amulets on my body. I am afraid of a woolen thread. ?

Qin Zheng, who was scared just now, was stunned, forgetting his ancestral profession.

However, Qin Zheng still felt lingering fear of Chen Mo's sudden appearance. He raised his chin to Chen Mo: "Don't come over yet, stretch your hand over and let me see if you are a human or a ghost."

Chen Mo rolled his eyes and slammed his fist on Qin Zheng's shoulder: "Doesn't it hurt? Master, I'm not far away. I ran to see you hard in the middle of the night. Do you still have a conscience when you treat me like this?"

Chen Mo was really boring to stay in Kyoto alone. His agent forced him to practice dance, dance, sing, and sing. He also received two advertisements, and ran two drafts and several videos. The interview on the website, he is not idle at all these days anyway.

I couldn't stand it anymore. Chen Mo simply bought a plane ticket at night, avoiding the agent and assistant, and sneaked over by himself.

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