You Are My Gravity

Chapter 1548:

The relationship between the two is very good, there is no restriction, no sense of distance, better than a brother.

He heard that Chen Mo said that Qin Zheng's home was his own. When he said that he went home, it was not unfamiliar at all, as if it were his home.

Zhuang Shuo smiled and said: "You two have a very good relationship. Before I watched the show and watched your interaction on Weibo, I was still thinking about whether you two acted or not. Now I am watching."

Chen Mo lied on the small table with a smile: "Haha, acting. Speaking of this, I remembered that two days ago, someone said that we were fighting each other. Did you read that rumor?"

Two days ago, a marketing account suddenly said that Chen Mo and Qin Zheng looked good on the surface, but in fact the internal conflict was very serious.

However, their fans did not tear up this marketing account, but reposted it very happily.

Because other groups, the men’s and women’s groups that don’t care, have no divisions, small groups, and rumors of disunity have never stopped, so...their fans say that our landlord’s stupid son group is no exception, no The rumors of peace finally came out. It was not easy. It was really rare for a group of two people to have no peace.

At that time, Chen Mo also forwarded it and wrote: Yes, I testified, this is correct, we are indeed at odds, I can dislike Qin Zheng...

His upright forwarding, even saying it was true, not only didn't sit on the truth, but also directly crushed the rumors.

Fans came and told Chen Mo, "Baby, don't say so early, you can't be like this, how many more days are you letting the rumors of discord be spread?"

Chen Mo replied: But what I said is true, I dislike Qin Zheng...

It was the first time Qin Zheng heard the news. He shook his head: "No, I'm so busy. Here, I'm tired all day long, so where can I still think about any rumors? But say we are fighting each other. , This is...not surprising...I hate you anyway!"

Chen Mo rolled his eyes: " think I don't despise you..."

Zhuang Shuo only felt more envious looking at them.

The small hot pot is ready, the three of them picked up the chopsticks and ate it. This was the first time Chen Mo had eaten this kind of food. He shouted magically: "Wow, it’s really smoking, really eh, it’s amazing... it’s better than instant noodles. Too much, I like it. I like it... I will prepare more..."

After tasting the taste, Chen Mo looked surprised: "Oh my god, this taste is not bad, it's quite fun..."

Zhuang Shuo was curious: "Have you never eaten it before?"

Qin Zheng said on the side: "Don't pay attention to him, this is a rich man who has never seen the world."

Chen Mo: "Huh..."

After eating, Qin Zheng Chen Mo squeezed into a small bed.

When I turned off the lights and lay down, it was almost 4 in the morning.

But none of them feel sleepy.

The bed is a bit small. The two boys are now when they are getting longer. Although they are thin, they are also two boys. Chen Mo turned over and ran into Qin Zheng. He squeezed Qin Zheng and said, "Your bed is too big. Are you small? Go over there, I'm out of time."

Qin Zheng didn't: "Shut up, you can sleep with a bed. If you don't want to, lie on the ground by yourself."

Chen Mo complained: "I rub, Qin Zheng, you are too cruel, but I came to see you specially."


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