You Are My Gravity

Chapter 1557:

He wanted to say, I really want to kill this little bastard, but he dare not say, dare not say.

Zhuang Shuo cautiously said on the side: "Although...Qin Zheng did this, it's wrong, but now that people have news, as long as there is nothing wrong, it is better than... if something is really good or bad, would you say it? "

This can be said to be in the heart of the deputy director: "You are right. Even if I am a waste of life, I am willing. It is better than this little ancestor to do something good or bad. Even if he has few hairs, I can't afford it, so I told everyone that I don't need to look for it!"

The acting teacher said: "This kid, how can he be so bold, he didn't tell us in advance that he would sneak away when he said sneak away."

The deputy director asked Zhuang Shuo: "Zhuang Shuo, you really don't know about Qin Zheng sneaking away?"

Zhuang Shuo shook his head again and again: "If I knew it, it would be fine, and his friend came over last night and said that he would stay here for two days. How can I think that they will run as soon as daybreak?"

Zhuang Shuo looked innocent. He scratched his head and said: "These days, I didn't see Qin Zheng's intention to sneak away. He even washed the stinky socks last night. I guess he should just feel like going back for two days. Be right back."

The performance teacher prefers Qin Zheng and speaks for him: "It seems that this is not a whim, it should have been thought of long ago, but... also, the wedding of my sister in the family is about to be held, so he naturally wants to go back. Don't blame him either."

The deputy director said angrily, "But, he can't just run away without saying a word, he almost scared my old life."

The performance teacher said: "Now that people are okay, we can rest assured, or we can call Teacher Xu now and let him know what is wrong with the way."

As soon as the assistant director heard it, he nodded and said: "Yes, you are right, I have to call Teacher Xu quickly, this kid, if something goes wrong on the road, it's not our responsibility, it's him who sneaked away. of……"

He quickly took out his cell phone and dialed Xu Mu's number.

I waited for a while before calling.

Hearing Gao Xumu's voice, the deputy director hurriedly smiled and said, "Ms. Xu, it's me... Do you have time now? Are you busy?"

Xu Mu was scraping fish scales just now. He bent over, and Zhou Ping held his cell phone to him. He leaned over to listen.

Xu Mu looked at the fish in his hand and said, "Are you busy, what's the matter with you?"

When the assistant director heard that he was busy with something important, he did not think that he was scraping fish scales in the kitchen: "Ah, you are busy, sorry, sorry to disturb you at this time. There is indeed something wrong with me. Tell me..."

Xu Mu: "Then you speak quickly."

The deputy director organized the language and said: "That's it, that's... heh, it was midnight last night, Qin Zheng had a friend named Chen Mo who came to him..."

Xu Mu was surprised, and put down the knife in his hand: "What, Chen Mo went to Qin Zheng?"

The deputy director nodded: "Yes, according to Zhuang Shuoshou, it arrived at 2 o'clock in the morning last night, but... However, after 7 o'clock this morning, the two of them went out and never came back. The martial arts teacher found Qin Zheng during the class. We didn’t come to class, so we told me quickly. We searched for more than an hour and didn’t find anyone. Just now, Zhuang Shuo found the leave letter written by Qin Zheng, and we knew where he went..."

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