You Are My Gravity

Chapter 1562:

"It's just a little bit better than those with spicy eyes, not much better!"

Now, Xu Mu’s face is a bit uncontrollable, and he said: "Ah... I can’t keep hitting you. I will give you a few slaps, and I will also feed you a sweet date to let you know that your efforts are If you make progress, otherwise, if you refuse to work hard, what should you do?"

Zhen Baoer quickly dismantled the stage: "Uncle Xu, you are not a sweet date, it is a lot of sweet dates!"

Xu Mu...

Zhou Ping, Qin Se and the others were born without embarrassment laughing.

Bai Lu gave Qin Zheng some food, "Come on, eat more, you have lost weight recently, and your people are getting dark. You don't suffer less outside, right?"

Qin Zheng has not been at home for nearly a month. This month, although his life was not so good, Qin Zheng’s head has grown. People still don’t eat fat. They only grow longer when they look at people. I am thinner and my skin is darker.

Qin Zheng nodded vigorously: "Yes, I have suffered. I spent a month outside. It was not good at all. I didn't eat well and I didn't rest well. I was tired like a dog every day..."

Qin Zheng is not the kind of worry-free kid who reports the good but not the worry. He said this to make his family feel sorry for him, so that when he is cleaned up later, he can be more merciful.

Zhou Ping looked at Qin Zheng and sighed in her heart. She didn't know if it was good or bad for Qin Zheng to walk this building.

Zhou Ping gave Qin Zheng a piece of braised pork: "Eat more meat."

Qin Zheng raised his head, "Thank you Mom."

After speaking, he took a provocative look at Chen Mo.

As soon as the provocation was over, Zhou Ping gave Chen Mo a drumstick: "Speaking of thinness, I feel that Xiao Mo seems to be a little thinner recently, and his complexion is not very good, so take more supplements."

Chen Mo happily said, "Thank you Auntie Zhou."

Qin Zheng curled his lips: "Mom, I have lost weight too, and my complexion is not very good. I also need to make up!"

Qin Se pushed his bowl of pig's feet in front of Qin Zheng: "Come on, brother, this is from my sister's care for you, eat more!"

Since getting pregnant, all kinds of soup in the family have not been cut off. Qin Se really doesn't want to drink it. Now that Qin Zheng is back, Qin Se feels that as an older sister, it is time to give his younger brother some care.

Qin Zheng didn't think much about it. He didn't know Qin Se's thoughts, and he really thought that Qin Se was doing it for him, so he ate directly.

Zhou Ping watched from the side, smiled and shook her head, without revealing Qin Se.

Chen Mo asked Qin Se: "Sister, can I be your best man then? I can be the best man at my age."

"Okay, of course, but, is there still time to order the best man's dress?"

Chen Mo nodded: "It doesn't matter if it is too late, I will let my dad get it."

Qin Zheng was a little jealous on the side: "Sister, don't forget, where are you going to find another bridesmaid?"

"Don't worry about this. You forgot about the court and asked her to come over to be my bridesmaid. Originally, I thought that a best man and a bridesmaid would be too few. It would be good to be a couple. When Qiuchi comes back at night, tell him With a bang, let him find the court!"

Qin Zheng pouted, unhappy.

After eating, Qin Zheng and Chen Mo thought they were all right, when they wanted to go upstairs to sleep again.

Zhou Ping said, "Stop for me, Xiaozheng's matter is not too big, so I won't talk about it."

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