You Are My Gravity

Chapter 1580:

Chen Mo said: "I think it looks good, do you want to...Look at how bright and beautiful the gems on this little crown are, I like..."

Qin Zheng glanced at the price and said, "But, it's so expensive. This brooch is more valuable than the tie. It has gems."

Chen Mo patted his chest: "What are you afraid of? Who am I? I have money, OK? This is only worth a few dollars. I want to buy as much as I want...

Qin Zheng covered Chen Mo's mouth: "Shhh, keep your voice down, don't let my mother and the others hear it, or you will say that we two are prodigal."

Chen Mo hurriedly closed his mouth tightly: "Okay, let's not say... Let's wait for them to pay attention before running back to buy."

"I think it can..."

The two were talking, and Qin Se had already bought them.

Zhou Ping called the two names: "Xiao Zheng, Xiao Mo, go!"

"Oh, here comes..."

There happened to be a sports brand shoe store next to him, and Zhou Ping took them in and bought a pair of shoes for both of them.

Zhou Ping felt that everyone else had bought it, but if he didn't buy anything for Chen Mo, the child would be upset, so she took them in and asked them to choose clothes and shoes.

Chen Mo was naturally very happy. He originally thought that he could not have his share today.

After checking out, Zhou Ping asked, "I'm almost buying everything. Go home first... I will see if I go out to eat at night or eat at home."

"Okay, go home!"

But as soon as they got downstairs, Qin Zheng and Chen Mo suddenly said, "Mom, I suddenly want to go to the toilet. You go first, wait for us in the car, and we will go right away."

Then, before they could speak, the two hurried toward the toilet.

The adults did not doubt, so they went to the underground garage first.

The two Qin Zheng went straight to the brooch. After rushing to the store, Chen Mo said very proudly: "Waiter, come on, take out all your brooches..."

The waiter was surprised. They still had an impression of the two of them. Although they always wore masks, everyone in their family, who did not wear masks, had very good looks. There are so many handsome men and beautiful women. No way.

The waiter hesitated and asked: "Where is your adult?"

They feel that these two children are not like people who can afford brooches. The brooches of their brand are inlaid with diamond jewelry.

Chen Mo waved his hand and said impatiently: "You sell things and take care of what our adults are doing. Hurry up, I'm anxious, you take one, this... and these two, wrap them up for me, and settle the account quickly. Swipe your card now... we are in a hurry."

Speaking of the card has been taken out, although the waiter still has doubts in his heart, but...after all, it is a customer, but he had to take out the brooch defensively, and then try to stay away from the two of them and add several brooches together. After confirming that it was correct, he asked Chen Mo, "Excuse me, do you really want to buy it?"

Chen Mo: "Nonsense, I must buy it. Otherwise, what am I going to do? Can you not be so slow? I'm worried."

The waiter had to try to pick up Chen Mo's card.

Chen Mo is a credit card, which his father gave him, so he can just use it.

The waiter just tried to swipe it, and found that she really swiped the money. Seeing such a large sum of money, she was a little frightened. Are all the children so rich now?

The waiter handed the pen to Chen Mo with both hands and asked him to sign at the cardholder’s signature.

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