You Are My Gravity

Chapter 1586:

It's just that she didn't say it, and she hadn't let go of her inner worries before.

Zhou Ping always feels that she and Xu Mu are too far apart, not to say that one is not worthy of another, but that...the two worlds are not together, the difference is too far, there is no way to go together.

However, Xu Mu was so cheeky and stiff, he stuck his leg in.

Gradually, Zhou Ping realized that Xu Mu and her, and their family, were not incompatible with each other. It seemed that they got along pretty well, and everyone was very happy together.

Moreover, Xu Mu is not pretending, whether he likes her, Shanshan and Qin Zheng, they are sincere, without the disguise of an actor.

Zhou Ping's occupation makes her very good at observing people. Even Xu Mu, she can also find that Xu Mu, no matter how good his acting skills are in acting, is different from life.

Xu Mu in their house is a real person full of smoke and fire.

At home, he is not the actor, he is just Xu Mu.

I really have to make up my mind. In fact, it was Qin Se's wedding. Zhou Ping didn't want to leave any regrets on his daughter's wedding.

And Xu Mu was precisely the most suitable person.

Zhou Ping thought, since she likes this person and thinks he is suitable to be the father of two children, then... it simply explains.

After speaking, Zhou Ping's mood suddenly became lighter, much lighter than before.

Xu Mu clenched Zhou Ping's shoulders: "Don't worry, I will be a good father tomorrow."

Zhou Ping nodded: "Hmm!"

"Remember... I want to buy you a tie..."

Xu Mu nodded vigorously: "It must be."

Zhou Ping stood up: "Okay, it's getting late, and I have to get up early tomorrow. Go and rest. I will also go to my room to sleep."

Xu Mu heard: "Well, I..."

Zhou Ping looked at him with a smile but a smile: "What are you?"

Xu Mu knows that I can’t say today or I’ll go to your room and go around. Today’s surprise is too big. You have to know how to stop. Anyway... the relationship has been formally established. Sooner or later, I will be in the same room. .

Xu Mu said: "You... go to bed early."

"You too."

Xu Mu shook his head: "I guess no one will be excited tonight, you don't know... how happy I am."

So happy that he now feels that if he jumps upstairs, he can fly.

Zhou Ping held back a smile and said, "Okay, as for? You have lived in this house for so long, you shouldn't have counted them."

Xu Mu whispered: "Isn't this, haven't you moved into your room yet?"

Zhou Ping: "What did you say?"

Xu Mu shook his head quickly: "I didn't say anything, I'm just happy, so happy... I will send you back to the room."

Zhou Ping originally wanted to refuse, but when I thought, Xu Mu was going upstairs, so let's go up together.

Going upstairs, Zhou Ping opened her door to enter, "You go back."

Xu Mu stopped: "Wait..."

"What else……"

The last word "thing" was blocked without saying it. Xu Mu's upper body came in from the door, lowered his head, and kissed Zhou Ping's lips.

Zhou Ping was stunned.

Although Xu Mu had kissed Zhou Ping before, it was different, this time it was different from before.

This time, after they formally established the relationship, it was the first real kiss after he officially became Zhou Ping's man.


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