You Are My Gravity

Chapter 1591:

Qin Zheng changed his clothes, dressed very handsomely, and was stunned when he ran over to see Qin Se open his mouth.

What he thought at the time was: I wipe it, isn't my sister too good-looking? I wiped it. Why didn’t I find my sister so pretty before?

Qin Se saw Qin Zheng in the mirror and asked him, "What are you doing while standing there?"

Qin Zheng returned to his senses and said gently, "No, I just came to see how your makeup is going on?"

Qin Se: "I haven't finished the painting yet. It will look better when the painting is finished."

Qin Zheng thought to himself: If you don't paint well, you can still look good!

The makeup artist who put makeup on Qin Se is a young lady who is a fan of Qin Zheng. Seeing Qin Zheng, she almost didn't scream with excitement, "Oh my god... my god, I am not dreaming, I turned out to be..."

Qin Zheng knows that 80% of the makeup artist’s excitement is his own fan. Seeing that her hands keep shaking, Qin Zheng hurriedly said: "Thank you for giving my sister a better look. Today she is a bride. I hope you can Thank you for letting her get married beautifully."

The makeup artist shook his head again and again: " thanks, I must...I must have painted my sister very and very beautiful...good-looking..."

Qin Se glanced at the make-up artist’s excited hand, for fear that she would be unable to hold back a line on her face for a while, she said hurriedly: "Let Xiaozheng sign you a name in a while, and you can take a photo together. Don't be shaken..."

The makeup artist nodded vigorously: "Okay, okay... I bet on the dignity of my industry, and I won't make a mistake."

The makeup artist worked hard to give Qin Se a good makeup for signing and taking photos.

Qin Zheng looked at his good-looking sister and couldn't help but said, "I have to embarrass them today. I want to marry my sister. No way!"

Qin Se hurriedly said to him: "Don't, when it's time to mean it, just have fun. You must not use any tricky methods. Your sister and I have a second marriage. It is not easy to find a good man. If you dare to influence my auspicious time, I will ask you to settle the account!"

Qin Zheng: "..."

What is this thing? Before I married Gu Jingyuan, he had already turned his elbow out.

Qin Zheng said: "Sister, be more reserved, you are a woman anyway, don't hate marrying so much."

Qin Se touched his stomach: "What am I holding? I have your brother-in-law's child in my stomach. What else am I holding? You can make me happy today and make this marriage smoothly and smoothly. It's done, that's it, and you will do your duty as a brother-in-law."

The makeup artist strained her mouth to prevent herself from smiling.

Qin Zheng rolled his eyes and didn't want to speak!

Qin Se was not nervous about today's wedding, she was very happy and looking forward to it. She slept very well last night. In the morning, except when she first woke up, she was a little confused.

After Qin Se finished her makeup, Zhen Baoer and the others helped Qin Se come to another room.

There are special festive dreams in the room, with roses, balloons, bright lights in the sky, the Chinese characters on the windows, and the big red blanket on the bed.

The bride who wants to marry must sit on the bed and wait for the groom to pick it up.

"By the way, I have to hide the shoes and let him find them when the boss comes. I must hide a place where he can't find them. Come, Chaochao, you get one.

Zhen Baoer handed one of Qin Se's shoes to Mu Chaochao.


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