You Are My Gravity

Chapter 1609: Hate and love

In addition to a brief shock on Shui Xingyun’s face, there were endless curses and disgust, as if this dead person was not her husband who had slept in bed for 20 years, but had blood and deep hatred with her. Mortal enemy.

Song Mingjue looked at Shui Xingyun, and suddenly felt deeply sad.

How many desperate facts are hidden in this family? He used to think that his parents were the most loving couple in the world.

Later, when something happened to the Song family, he gradually realized that his parents weren't what he thought they used to be. They may have no affection for a long time. They have been maintaining a superficial relationship over the years, but at least they once fell in love.

It was only at this moment that Song Mingjue understood that there was no superficial relationship or love.

Dear and beloved couples, this is ridiculous to them.

When a wife heard the news of her husband’s death, she didn’t even feel a little sad. How cruel is this? Even ordinary friends, after hearing the news of death, will feel a little bit sad, right?

"That... isn't it your husband?" Song Mingjue interrupted Shui Xingyun's curse.

Shui Xingyun let out a vicious light in his eyes, "Well, what is he, a husband, would he be like him? He was fooling around outside, ruining the Song family, causing us to have a family now. We can’t get back. We look at people’s faces outside and are bullied. It’s him. It’s all because of him. If he dies, it’s better. What about us, what should we do?"

Song Mingyue said: "But he has given you at least twenty years of worry-free life..."

Thousands of mistakes made people die.

Moreover, in the past twenty years, Song Zhimin didn't say that it was undesirable at all. If... he didn't finally go astray, he would still be a barely competent father.

At least, he gave them asylum. If it weren't for him to provide him with money to study, Song Mingjue knew that he would not be able to study abroad and would not be able to learn so much knowledge.

He hates this father, but he also has a child's admiration.

Shui Xingyun yelled, "That's what he should give to me. I married him and gave birth to him three children. I want to live a good life. Isn't this what it should be? He doesn't live up to his temper, he is outside. Hu Hun, give Huo Huoguang a good family business, he deserves it, he is like a person, what face does he have to live on? Bah, his kind of person, even if he is dead, he will not be a man in his next life... …"

Song Mingjue looked at Shui Xingyun's eyes, getting colder and colder. This is his mother. There is no money and no use value. She can't give her glory and wealth. She will trample the other party under her feet. Stepped on forever cannot turn over.

As for?

Even if you hate it, is it this way?

Could it be that only his father is at fault, is she not at all at fault?

During the avalanche, no flower is innocent.

Everyone in this family is wrong!

Song Mingjue is very tired, very tired, probably because the results of the Song family have come out. Although it is the worst result, at least there is a result. He feels depressed and relaxed. The conflicting mood makes him reluctant to talk to anyone. Do anything perfunctory.

Even if that person is his biological mother.

Song Mingjue sighed...

He said lightly: "I want to go back to Linzhou, whatever you want, we don't have much money anymore, the hotel can't afford to stay here."

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