You Are My Gravity

Chapter 1629: Calculate him

In fact, the selfish people in this world are all the same. They always feel at ease thinking about excuses for others to pay for her, but they have no sense of guilt or even basic gratitude.

Shui Xingyun squeezed the bag in his hand, feeling a little nervous.

Shui Xingyun saw a Starbucks on the side of the road and pointed out, "Let's just go to that coffee shop, and we don't have to go so far."

Gu Zhixin stopped and the two went in together.

Shui Xingyun said: "Zhixin, you sit down first, I'll get two cups of coffee, and it will be ready soon."

Gu Zhixin ignored him and found an empty table to sit down.

Shui Xingyun casually ordered two cups of coffee. The waiter told her that there are not many people in the shop. She can sit down first and deliver them to them later, but Shui Xingyun said, "It's okay, I am here. Just wait..."

The coffee was made quickly, Shui Xingyun said to drink it here, and she took it by herself.

The waiter gave her coffee.

Shui Xingyun glanced at Gu Zhixin. He didn't look at it. He was holding the phone and seemed to be sending some news.

Shui Xingyun’s heart is beating very fast at this moment. If anyone pays attention to her, she will find that she is in a state of extreme tension now, her hand holding the coffee is shaking, and her eyes are very flustered. .

Shui Xingyun glanced at the waiter again. No one looked here. Two customers came and the waiter was busy.

So, Shui Xingyun quickly took out the prepared medicine from his bag while he was unprepared, and quickly threw it into a cup of coffee.

After doing all this, Shui Xingyun's heart almost popped out of his chest.

She took several deep breaths in a row before she managed to calm herself down.

Shui Xing clouded coffee past, she silently told herself in her heart: Gu Zhixin, don’t blame me, don’t blame me...I am also trying to save people, and I can’t help it, it’s you...if you are willing to help me, neither There will be so many things, I am also forced, I can't help...

Shui Xingyun kept justifying herself in her heart, as if it were a kind of self-hypnosis.

It wasn't until she felt that she was really right and really helpless, until she felt that she guessed the innocent, everyone was sorry for her, and her tension and guilt disappeared, she walked to Gu Zhixin.

Shui Xingyun sent the cup of coffee to Gu Zhixin in front of him, and then he met him.

Shui Xingyun held the coffee, took a sip, and said, "I didn't expect that one day we could sit down like this and have a cup of coffee. I don't know what you like, so I ordered the same one as mine. Cappuccino, try..."

Gu Zhixin had no expression on his face and glanced at Shui Xingyun coldly.

He said: "Let's talk about it, don't talk about mother-child love with me, I feel sick when I hear it!"

Shui Xingyun flushed his eyes and said, "Don't do this, I already knew it was wrong, I..."

Gu Zhixin really wanted to vomit, "There is no end? It's endless, right? Don't tell me, get out now."

Shui Xingyun glanced at the coffee in front of Gu Zhixin. He didn't drink her and was a little anxious, "Don't worry, don't get angry, let me just say, the weather outside today is a bit cold, you drink hot coffee first to warm up... ...Listen to me slowly telling you..."

There was a harsh rubbing sound between the chair and the ground, and Gu Zhixin got up and left.

Shui Xingyun panicked, and quickly said: "I said, I said... That said, don't leave..."


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