You Are My Gravity

Chapter 1632: Come back soon

Gu Zhixin interrupted her not being religious at all, not sensational at all, and not serious at all, saying: "Okay!"

He gave her face and watched her to act.

He really can see all the tricks like this.

The ecstasy on Shui Xingyun's face could not be restrained, "Give...Give..."

She quickly handed the coffee to Gu Zhixin.

Gu Zhixin really took it.

Shui Xingyun was very excited, and urged Gu Zhixin to say: "You have to try it. I just drank it. The taste is okay. Although it is not as good as the hand-milled coffee that you drink in the ordinary day, it is okay. Do you like it..."

Gu Zhixin's lips curled up with a sneer. He actually wanted to tell Shui Xingyun, do you know what your face looks like now?

Like a stupid wild boar, he tried every means to lead the hunter into the pit like her.

But I don't know, in fact, the hunter has long seen through her tricks.

Gu Zhixin slowly said, "You seem to particularly want me to drink this coffee.... Is there anything special in it?"

Shui Xing Yun Tun Tun mouth water said: "No, no...I just thought, this is the first time I bought you something since you were so big, so, I hope...I hope you like..."

Gu Zhixin said lightly: "That's impossible. I can't like anything related to you."

He wanted to put down his coffee, but was hurriedly stopped by Shui Xingyun, "Knowing the new, knowing the new... Listen to me, I don't expect you to like it, I just want you to taste it, this is my own hand... for you I brought it...please, can you satisfy my tiny wish, please..."

Shui Xingyun finally forced out two tears...

These two drops of tears were still pained by Shui Xingyun pinching his palm.

Gu Zhixin smiled, "But why do I feel..."

Suddenly, Shui Xingyun's cell phone rang, and she was annoyed in her heart. She looked down and found that it was Song Mingjue.

Although Shui Xingyun was dying of anger in his heart, after hesitating, Shui Xingyun had to answer Song Mingjue's phone.

Shui Xingyun said: "Wait a minute..."

So Shui Xingyun picked up the phone, and when it was connected, he turned sideways slightly and said, "What are you doing, what are you calling at this time?"

Song Mingjue: "Where are you."

His voice is a little anxious.

Shui Xingyun quickly said, "Just leave it alone, what's the matter?"

"Don't worry about me, don't you know you really went to see Gu Zhixin?" Song Mingjue's voice sounded a little worried at the moment.

Although Song Mingjue told Shui Xingyun at the time, it's her business that you want to go and go if you want to die...

At first, Song Mingjue thought that after a long time Shui Xingyun would go back automatically. She couldn't have the courage to really go to Gu Zhixin.

However, first and second class, but he hasn't seen Gu Zhixin coming back. Song Mingjue was worried and suddenly worried, especially when the hotel attendant on the first floor learned that his mother had just met when he left. Mr. Wei here, the two had a brief conversation. Song Mingjue felt a little in his heart at the time, and Mr. Wei hurriedly called.

Shui Xingyun gritted his teeth and quickly said: "I have said it, it has nothing to do with you, don't disturb me."

Song Mingyue really wanted to kill someone, how could there be such a stupid person in this world, "What do you do, is Gu Zhixin also there?"

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