You Are My Gravity

Chapter 1641: I sign

Gu Zhixin had already walked ten meters at this time. Hearing Shui Xingyun's voice sighed and was a little unhappy, he knew that it would turn out to be like this, no suspense!

Gu Zhixin slowly turned around, walked slowly, and looked down at the embarrassed Shui Xingyun: "Hey... this is really boring, too boring... I originally thought, you can have a little bit of backbone, and you will not be determined. Sign it, it seems that I still look up to you!"

Facing Gu Zhixin’s irony, Shui Xingyun didn’t have the time or the strength to be angry. She looked at Gu Zhixin and said, “Knowing, please, I sign, I’ll sign it right away, as long as... To live, I am willing to pay any price, I can donate a kidney, I can..."

Yes, at this moment she is willing to pay any price, as long as she can survive, she can do everything.

A kidney is just a kidney, which is insignificant compared to death.

Gu Zhixin shook his head: "I'm so disappointed, it's a pity..."

Shui Xingyun shivered hard, she read from Gu Zhixin's very regretful eyes just now, his determination to let her die!

If you don’t sign, you will die. This is not a threat at all.

Shui Xingyun stammered: "I'm sorry, I'm sorry... Knowing new, I'm sorry for you, thousands of mistakes are my fault, I will never appear in front of you again, I swear... Never come again^"

Gu Zhixin smiled sarcastically, now that he regrets it, why did he go?

Gu Zhixin did not release Shui Xingyun immediately. Instead, he took a shovel to dig out some of the soil, pulled out Shui Xingyun’s right arm, and then took out a pen and asked her to agree to donate her kidneys on that one. Signed her name on the agreement.

Shui Xingyun's arm was basically unconscious at the time, and after a while he recovered, and then trembling, signed his name on it.

Gu Zhi took all the new things, opened the inkpad, and let Shui Xingyun press a blood-red handprint on her name.

After all these were set, Gu Zhixin digs out Shui Xingyun from the soil.

After his body was free, Shui Xingyun lay on the damp ground and wailed loudly. At this moment, countless grievances were all in this cry.

It was terrible, the feeling of being face-to-face with death, just a step forward, was terrible. She didn't want to go through that process again in her life.

For the rest of my life, I can breathe fresh air, my body is not oppressed, I can move freely, and I don't feel imprisoned. It's so beautiful.

When Shui Xingyun crawled out of the soil, he really felt that nothing in this world is more important than being alive.

Gu Zhixin looked at Shui Xingyun coldly, hehehe, there is no such woman, everything she experienced is what she deserves.

Gu Zhixin glanced at the signed organ donation consent form, packed it, and put it in his pocket.

Then, leave directly.

Shui Xingyun heard the footsteps of Gu Zhixin leaving, quickly raised his head, not crying, and hurriedly asked: "Gu Zhixin, Zhixin...Where are you going?"

Gu Zhixin didn't care about her at all, his goal had been achieved, so he wouldn't care about the situation.

Shui Xingyun wanted to get up and chase Gu Zhixin, but her legs hadn't recovered the strength yet, "Will you not take me back?"

Gu Zhixin rolled his eyes and took her back, what a joke!

Go back by yourself!


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