You Are My Gravity

Chapter 1646: Combat effectiveness

Qin Zheng’s fans and Xu Mu’s fans are very happy. The fan heads of the two companies have started to discuss and prepare a friendship. The next two will be one family. In the future, there will be publicity, ranking, voting, going together, and sunspots together. Tear, in short, we are a family.

The two fans are happy and harmonious.

At this moment on the Internet, the relationship between Xu Mu and Qin Zheng is already clearly revealed, everyone understands that Qin Zheng is Xu Mu's son!

Some people cut out all the cuts of Qin Zheng and Xu Mu in "The Cultivation of Idols", and the more they pick them up, the more they feel Coke. Some people say that these two people are completely his recent source of happiness.

However, just when most people felt very happy watching it, some people still jumped out and said that they finally understood. No wonder Qin Zheng can climb so fast in the entertainment circle. It turns out that it is because the backstage is strong. A so rich brother-in-law, a stepfather who is so hard in the entertainment industry, such a top-level configuration, if it is not popular, then it would be really strange!

Some people simply cut out some words Qin Zheng said in the show, and then cut out the meaning out of context, saying that Qin Zheng was so arrogant in the show that he had a backstage at home.

Some people say that Xu Mu, isn't this blatantly opening the back door for his son? Isn't this kind of black box operation unregulated?

As soon as these topics came up, they were choked off by fans of Qin Zheng and Xu Mu.

The shit's black-box operation, **** walks through the back door, did your eye see it?

We, Qin Zheng Didi, rely on his personal charisma. Although he does not know anything, we just like the appearance of his idiots. Can you control it?

Qin Zheng Didi’s number one, it’s our fans who voted for real gold and platinum one vote, one vote. Even if our brother is tough at the backstage, he still needs to be pleasing enough to be liked by the audience. In the entertainment circle, There are a lot of backstage people, and it’s not our Qin Zheng. Why don’t they have our Qin Zheng Didi Huo?

In the past, Qin Zheng was a fan of himself, but now, there are more fans of Xu Mu.

When the two forces merged and tore up, it is not invincible in the world.

Before the studio and the company took action, the black material had been torn off.

The action and combat effectiveness of Qin Zheng and Xu Mu's fans have been increased several times.

However, Qin Zheng and Xu Mu didn't know about the trouble. Where did they have the time to keep an eye on Weibo.

Xu Mu kept thinking, I can't live in Zhou Ping's room tonight, then when can I go in? I'm so distressed, I really want to go in, even if I don't do anything!

And Qin Zheng, um... is playing games with Chen Mo.

The two hadn't played games together for many days. Without Qin Zheng, Chen Mo lost his rank.

Chen Mo asked, "Qin Zheng, are you really going to be more aggressive in the future?"

Qin Zheng told Chen Mo today that he will no longer be muddled and he will get serious.

Qin Zheng nodded earnestly: "Of course, I will act hard and work hard in the future. I will also be the actor. I want to make my sister and my mother proud. I will be my sister's backstage. If one day, Gu Jingyuan really did something to be sorry for her, so I could help her out. Otherwise, how could I stand up and support her?"


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