You Are My Gravity

Chapter 1649: Return favor

Although Song Mingjue was very disagreeable to Shui Xingyun, she even thought again and again, if this wasn't his mother, it would be good, but when he saw Shui Xingyun's embarrassed and miserable appearance, he would still be anxious and worried. , Otherwise, I won't find him all day and night!

Song Mingjue supported Shui Xingyun and asked, "Mom, what's the matter? Where have you been this night?"

Shui Xingyun's voice was already hoarse, she gritted her teeth and cursed: "Gu Zhixin, it's all Gu Zhixin's bastard, he is not a person, he is a devil, he wants to kill me..."

Shui Xingyun's hatred for Gu Zhixin now reached its apex, and he wished to bite his neck, wish he was broken into pieces.

That wasn't the son she gave birth to at all, that was the evil spirit who gave birth to debts.

Song Mingjue's expression changed, and she hurriedly said, "Go back and talk about it before you go back. You get in the car first, and I will say a few words to this elder brother."

Song Mingjue didn't dare to scold Gu Zhixin like this. After he helped Shui Xingyun get into the car, he bowed to the driver who brought Shui Xingyun back: "Thank you, brother, thank you. If it weren't for you, I might not find it yet. My mother, thank you so much, and there is nothing I can give you back. You take the money first, there is not much money, but this is my little heart..."

The one who brought Shui Xingyun back was a truck driver, who pulled fruits, and the truck was filled with apples. Like him, who often ran this line, most of the truck drivers who passed by at night.

Song Mingjue knows that truck drivers who run long distances are from ordinary families and earn hard money. Although their family is now a lot of trouble and the family is bankrupt, but even so, his money is far more than truck drivers. A lot more, maybe his money would be something this ordinary family can't make for a lifetime.

Song Mingjue took out a wad of money and didn’t know how much, maybe two or three thousand. This is all the cash on his body. This little money is still nothing to him, but to the truck driver, Maybe it's a lot, maybe it can pay back this favor.

The truck driver was an honest man, waved his hand again and again, saying that he just took the person back a little, and did nothing. What matters is that there is no need to give so much money.

Song Mingjue insisted on giving it. If someone helped, it's impossible for him to think of thanking others.

However, he couldn't. Although the truck driver just brought the people back easily, wasn't he the only one who was willing on the way? Why are others unwilling?

Song Mingjue really wanted to thank him. He said, "Please take this money. Although it is not much, this is all the cash on my body. Please take care of it. We are not local. We will go home soon. So what I said I would invite you to dinner, it is all imaginary, maybe this time, it is impossible to see you again, I did not prepare any thanks, this little money, please help me, please..."

The driver still refused, because he was not the kind of person who showed kindness, and naturally did not want to collect the money, but Song Mingjue was determined to pay it. He walked two steps quickly and threw the money into the driver's car.

Then he quickly returned to his own car and drove away.

He didn't even let the truck chase and shout at the back. He drove fast and ran away in a blink of an eye.


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