You Are My Gravity

Chapter 1661: To control

Gu Zhixin and Zhen Jinbao came to the vegetable market and bought a lot of vegetables in one go. Zhen Jinbao couldn't stop them.

In front of the meat stall, Gu Zhixin asked the boss to cut more than 20 catties at once. Zhen Jinbao was a little embarrassed: "Brother, there is so much meat that the refrigerator can't fit."

Gu Zhixin casually said: "Then buy a refrigerator."

Zhen Jinbao thinks it's better to stop: "But, it's not worth it. You see that we are so close to the vegetable market. If you want to eat, you can just buy fresh ones. There is no need to buy so many?"

Gu Zhixin thought about it, as if... so.

So, I didn't need that much, just 5 catties of meat, and then let the boss chop a few catties of ribs.

Zhen Jinbao sighed, this is also a lot!

The two went home with vegetables. Zhen Baoer didn't say anything when she saw them carrying so much. She often didn't come and came here. It was always okay to give them an order without saying how much money to give them.

Zhen Baoer said: "Jinbao, go and learn, learn about the new, come and help, wash vegetables and meat."

Gu Zhixin nodded: "Okay!"

Zhen Jinbao was sitting in the living room outside, listening to the conversation between the two in the kitchen, he scratched his head, he was actually very happy in his heart, after all, this is his relative, he also wanted to be close to this sister, but , Just... still feel a little nervous!

He used to be ignorant and did a lot of wrong things. He had a bad relationship with his two sisters, and he often bullied them.

Now that Daigo is empowered, it is understood that Zhen Jinbao also intends to ease the relationship between their siblings. .

However, he was always afraid that he would say something wrong and do something wrong, so he was a little too careful.

For this meal, Zhen Baoer cooked several dishes, braised pork, garlic ribs, steamed sea bass...Most of them are meat dishes. She thinks Zhen Baoer has lost so much recently and it is better to make up.

Set the tableware, Zhen Baoer said: "Eat first, Mom, I will save it, and I will put it in a while and send it to her."

Zhen Jinbao looked at so many delicious saliva: "Okay!"

During the meal, Zhen Baoer gave Zhen Jinbao some food: "You eat more meat. Recently, you have been a little too thin. Can your body eat it?"

Zhen Jinbao licked the corners of his mouth: "Fortunately..."

Gu Zhixin couldn’t understand that Zhen Baoer kept picking vegetables for her brother, and stopped: "Don’t let him eat too much meat. You finally lose weight. What if you eat fat again? You never want him to go back to the way he used to be. ?"

Zhen Jinbao: "..."

Zhen Baoer stopped: " seem to be right...I didn't think about it."

She hurriedly pushed all the meat dishes to Gu Zhixin: "Jin Bao, then you should eat more vegetarian food and eat less meat. Finally, you can lose weight successfully, and you can't fail to succeed. You should control your usual diet."

Zhen Jinbao twitched his mouth: "Okay..."

He glanced at Gu Zhixin quietly, secretly narrowed his mouth, hum, don't think he doesn't know!

While eating, suddenly someone knocked on the door, and the people knocked very urgently, and the dust on the door was all shaken.

Zhen Jinbao hurriedly got up to open the door. As soon as she opened the door, she saw an old lady in her 60s standing outside, with an anxious expression on her forehead, all sweaty and panting. It could be seen that she climbed to the fifth floor from below in one breath.

Zhen Jinbao asked, "Grandma Wu, are you okay?"

The old lady said anxiously: "Jinbao, go and see, your mother got into a fight with a robber, was stabbed and taken to the hospital!"

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