You Are My Gravity

Chapter 1667: Bad and good

Then Gu Zhige didn't even pick up the thermos cup on the ground. He fumbled and pushed open the door of his room. After entering, he quickly closed it and locked it from the inside.

After Gu Zhige locked up, he let out a long sigh of relief, oh my god, it's almost scary, right?

It's too late for him to go out. Xu Mu looked at him just now, and he couldn't help but slash him!

Gu Zhige breathed a sigh of relief, it was terrible!

He shook his head. It’s no wonder that Old Xu, it’s him who is so good at picking times. Why is this concentration so bad? It’s not that the cups in his hand were shocked when he saw the two parents there. If you can't hold it securely, can't you pretend you haven't seen it, and then go back if nothing happened? Can't it be done without knowing it?

Why do you love to add drama to yourself so much?

This time is good, Old Xu decided to hate him to death!

Gu Zhige sighed, unfortunately...

He fell on the bed and turned over, no one can stand!

I felt that it was too much, uncomfortable... the uncomfortable of a single dog!

Lao Xu's journey to the Long March is over, and he is going to be their parent in a serious way, but his girlfriend hasn't been there yet!

Last time their deputy dean introduced him to the blind date, Gu Zhige also went to see it. After chatting, it was true that he was not on the same channel, and Gu Zhige used his excuse to be busy at work and did not contact the girl again.

Although, that girl has a good impression of him, and hasn't given up sending him WeChat or calling.

However, Gu Zhige's attitude is very clear. If he doesn't like it, he doesn't like it. Therefore, I don't give you hope. The other party asks for dinner, disagrees, and hopes to watch a movie. I don't have time to go out and play together. I still don't have time!

After refusing many times, how could the girl understand Gu Zhige's attitude and went to the deputy dean to complain.

When the deputy dean turned around, he had a good chat with Gu Zhige. He just told his own thoughts and didn't think it was appropriate, so don't give other girls hope.

The deputy dean is also very helpless. If this is someone else, he would dare to reprimand him, but this is Gu Zhige. Of course he can't say anything, just tell him when he meets suitable ones in the future!

Gu Zhige sighed, why is it so difficult to find someone?


Outside, Zhou Ping's face was red, and Xu Mu glared at Xu Mu: "Hurry back and rest."

Xu Mu didn't care. He only hated Gu Zhige's appearance at the wrong time. He interrupted his welfare today. He said to Zhou Ping: "Don't be angry, this kid is too insightful. I will teach her well when I look back. "

Zhou Ping blushed and stared at him again: "Okay, you're embarrassed to be seen by someone. I want to rest. Go back soon."

Xu Mu was naturally very reluctant. He didn't want to go back like this, but after being discovered, Zhou Ping was really thin-skinned at the moment. Xu Mu knew that he was too anxious to chase, otherwise, wait for the shoot. After the play, it was difficult to enter Zhou Ping's room.

Therefore, Xu Mu could only say: "Well then, I...I'll leave first..."

Zhou Ping stretched out her hand and pushed him: "Go, go, go..."

After speaking, she turned around and entered her room, and then quickly closed the door.

Xu Mu felt sorry for him, hey, he couldn't get in again, what a pity, what a pity...

He saw the thermos cup on the ground and thought bitterly: I blame Gu Zhige, this stinky boy, for ruining his good deeds!


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