You Are My Gravity

Chapter 1672: It's your turn

It was so terrible that everyone didn't dare to show off the atmosphere, and the person who was approaching the performer shivered, and the hand holding the paper was trembling all the time. Those with poor psychological endurance made their faces pale.

If you haven't arrived yet, hurry up, every second counts. I can't wait to buckle down all the words on the paper and burn them in my mind!

It is estimated that among so many people, Qin Zheng is relatively relaxed.

Actually, he is not relaxing. He is very irritable, very irritable, and how he should act as a traitor who is so annoying. Old Xu has never told him before, how to act as a traitor.

Old Xu said before that an actor who wants to act well is actually a villain. However, he has just entered the industry and must first establish the audience. Therefore, for the time being, he will not be allowed to play villains.

Therefore, Xu Mu didn't tell Qin Zheng much about the villain.

Especially this kind of super scum-dead traitor.

Qin Zheng sighed, he felt that he might also die this time.

This traitor, he really doesn't know how to act.

Qin Zheng looked up at Xu Mu, a little aggrieved.

When Xu Mu met Qin Zheng's small eyes, he felt distressed, alas, my son, what should I do if I have a problem this time?

If he just stood up and went to give Qin Zheng some advice, he would definitely make everyone dissatisfied, which would not be good for Qin Zheng.

However, if he doesn't help Qin Zheng see what's going on, this kid will be wronged.

Zhuang Shuo poke Qin Zheng secretly: "How is your play?"

Qin Zheng did not speak, and put the paper in front of Zhuang Shuo.

When Zhuang Shuo saw it, his eyes were about to stare: "I wipe, this..."

Zhuang Shuo lowered his voice and said: "I have actually acted as a villain, and the simplest tip I have told you is that when you act, don't treat yourself as a human being. You treat yourself as a beast. This kind of scum, either For money, or for living...Anyway, how do you hate acting? Think about who you hate the most. You can act like him."

Zhuang Shuo's words awakened Qin Zheng.

How I hate how to act, it seems... OK!

Xu Mu winked at Qin Zheng and told him to go out with him.

Qin Zheng knew that Xu Mu was going to help him. He shook his head slightly. This time, he wanted to rely on himself to see if he could do it!

The performers in front were all finished, and few remained. Everyone who was driven away by the director, even the male actor, left with red eyes.

Finally, Qin Zheng's actor next to him on the left hand side also finished the performance. After being scolded by the director, he barely passed the stage.

The director glanced at Qin Zheng and said, "Qin Zheng, it's your turn."

The director is very temperamental now. Like a gunpowder keg, he usually treats Qin Zheng very well, but now even Xu Mu is not very polite.

Xu Mu glanced at the director not so kindly.

What do you want to do, be polite to his son, when his father is dead!

Xu Mu said indifferently: "You have a fire in your heart. I don't care if you want to throw the fire, but you have to divide the people."

The corner of the director's mouth twitched, okay, you are the ancestor.

He turned his head and said, "Don't worry, I know..."

The actor in front of him heard the conversation between the two and saw Qin Zheng's eyes worse.

This is the back door for his son who grew up with eyesight, is there such a thing?

Qin Zheng stood there and passed the lines in his head, raised his chin, a little impatient, and asked: "Can you two say no later, can you start now?"

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