You Are My Gravity

Chapter 1677:

People like those in their circle knew that Xu Mu found a woman with two children and found it a little weird. They all felt that if you look for a condition like Xu Mu, you can’t find a girl, why you have to look for it. The one with two children is not too young.

This is completely inconsistent with their logic. In their logic, a man like Xu Mu who has already achieved fame and is super rich will get a divorce and find someone who is very beautiful, young and unmarried. I will find someone young and beautiful.

I would never find the kind that brought two children!

Like being a father, they are not willing to do it!

So everyone didn't understand what Xu Mu was doing. They didn't believe how beautiful a woman who was not young could be.

The director thought Xu Mu was a bit silly before, but now, the director really envy Xu Mu, he thinks Xu Mu must be different from those superficial humans.

His stepson is so good, his mother and sister, maybe even better!

He sighed, hey, Xu Muzi, you are a visionary, unlike some old men who only look at the skin!

No wonder Xu Mu can go so high and have such an achievement, they have a good vision!

After feeling inwardly for a while, the director refocused his attention on the assessment.

I don’t know if it’s because of Qin Zheng’s presence that created pressure on the people who came later, or the director’s vision became higher after seeing Qin Zheng’s performance, and he felt unsightly for several consecutive times, so he scolded the other party. pause.

In other words, Zhuang Shuo is a little better. He has a good relationship with Qin Zheng, so Qin Zheng performed well. Although he is envious, he is more happy for him. There is no jealousy. Therefore, his mentality is balanced and he has played a normal level. After the director said a few words, it was a safe pass.

But the one behind Zhuang Shuo is simply hell.

The director pointed to them and said: "I really regret that I chose you to come in at the beginning. You people are here to waste my time. Just like you, you still want to be an actor and you want to be popular. Go dreaming!"

Finally, there was an actress who couldn't help it anymore, and said with red eyes: ", can't do this. We admit that we do have flaws and bad things, but you can't insult people. We just don’t have as good conditions as Qin Zheng. We usually work really hard, but..."

The director disdainfully said: "Why do you still have the reason and the performance is not good? I feel that no one has good conditions and you have worked very hard. Don’t think I don’t know what you do every day. Working hard, and acting like this, it shows that you are really stupid. Then you are sad and have no future at all. I advise you to leave the circle as soon as possible and change your career. Don’t stay in the circle and harm the audience. , Scourge the film and television industry."

"Director, we..."

The director interrupted her: "Okay, I don't have the time to listen to you telling me how hard you are. Hurry up, get out, don't delay my time."

At this moment, the director who has a very grumpy temper no matter whether the person in front of him is a man or a woman.

Qin Zheng sat in the back, eating sweets, shaking his head, what do these people's performances say, it was so awkward, it was so exciting, and it made people want to laugh when watching it, which was not good at all.


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