You Are My Gravity

Chapter 1684: Not worthy of me

Zhuang Shuo's words made everyone unable to bear it anymore and burst into laughter.

An actor smiled and said: "Zhuang Shuo, I believe that what you count is true. You have not seen this description with your own eyes. You can't tell at all..."

The Son of Man next to him nodded: "Yes, yes... I haven't seen it with my own eyes, I can't describe it at all, Zhuang Shuo, I believe you!"

Qiao Weiwei's angry eyes were bloodshot and scary. He pointed to Zhuang Shuo and roared: "You are talking nonsense, you are talking nonsense... Do you think what you are talking about? You have red mouth and white teeth, so slander me as a girl , Are you still not human?"

Xu Mu said coldly: "You also said that other people's red lips and white teeth are slandering you, so when you slandered Qin Zheng, did you think of him? You just confuse Qin Zheng with a word, have you ever thought of him? Still a child, you ruin a child like this, are you still a person?"

Xu Mu actually didn't want to say a word now, just wanted to find someone to "dead" Qiao Weiwei.

In front of him, bullying his son, this is what happened when they had no parents, when he died?

Faced with Xu Mu and Qiao Weiwei, she was still a little bit embarrassed, but things had developed to this point, and she could only bite the bullet and continue speaking.

She shivered and said: "I...I am not slandering, what I said is true, I still said that. If you have the ability, you can put evidence, if there is no evidence, you are slandering..."

Some people think that Qiao Weiwei is too double standard. "But Qiao Weiwei, you have no evidence. You said that Qin Zheng was with you and that people failed you. This is all your two words. If you have the ability, you also show evidence. what……"

"Yes, although you are a girl, but you say that Qin Zheng is with you without showing up, how can we trust you?"

Those who said this actually wanted to please the director and Xu Mu.

They knew that whether this matter was true or not, even if it was true, it would not affect Qin Zheng's status.

Moreover, Xu Mu is here, and they all see clearly the director's attitude towards Qin Zheng. At this time, don't talk about spine.

It is true to follow the trend.

Qin Zheng nodded: "That's right, you have the ability to show evidence, if you don't have evidence, don't want to rely on me. I really look down on a woman like you, I... I know it's not good to say that a girl like this But this is really what I am saying!"

Qiao Weiwei...

Everyone laughed.

Qin Zheng said to everyone: "Don't laugh, it's not appropriate to laugh at this occasion, I'm telling the truth, I'm from the bottom of my heart... I really don't think she is worthy of me."

Qiao Weiwei wanted to beat Qin Zheng to death.

She regretted it. She shouldn't have started with Qin Zheng. Picking one out at random was easier to deal with than Qin Zheng.

Qiao Weiwei said angrily: "I...I certainly can't calculate Qin Zheng, he has been lying to me from start to finish, he is...just white piao, only gave me some verbal promises, nothing practical. I wanted to take a photo and he didn’t agree. He... he was just guarding me... he was a scumbag. I was really blind to see him..."

Everyone looked at each other, which seemed to make sense.

Suddenly, Zhuang Shuo hesitated and said: "There is evidence..."

Qiao Weiwei: "What did you say."

Zhuang Shuo looked at everyone and said: "Who said...can't prove their relationship, she has no evidence, I have it!"


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