You Are My Gravity

Chapter 1710: Fear

Today, Gu Jingyuan and Gu Zhixin first came to teach the Ji family, the big son, and second, they took back all the dowry of Gu Meiyun's things, and they couldn't afford them for nothing!

Anyway, Gu Jingyuan told Gu Zhixin, you can play whatever you want!

When Gu Zhixin spoke, Ji Chenxuan's grandmother's old face wrinkled into a chrysanthemum instantly stiffened. She wanted to raise her hand to point to Gu Zhixin, but her old man quickly pulled it down.

Old man Ji tremblingly said: "Gu Er young master, she is just a bad old woman, you...don't care about him, she...she doesn't understand anything!"

Gu Zhixin said slowly: "Oh, you know... Since you know so, or else, you..."

Old man Ji probably knew what Gu Zhixin should say behind him. He quickly patted his thigh and opened his mouth dry and howled: "Oh, my bitter daughter-in-law, why did you leave so early? What to do, you have worked so hard for our family throughout your life, my God, why are you so short-sighted, you take such a good person away, you..."

Gu Zhixin interrupted him: "Yes, since you know that my aunt has contributed to your Ji family all her life, do you all have to show that you should accompany her anyway, and you must do something practical." Otherwise, I won't agree!"

Old man Ji opened his mouth wide, his yellow teeth, he was stunned, at a loss, as if he was caught in his neck, and couldn't make a sound.

The rest of Ji's family also shivered!

They were about to regret death at this moment in their hearts. They had known that the Gu family brothers would actually support Gu Meiyun. How could they dare to be so negligent, they would have come here long ago!

They really thought that Gu Meiyun had been completely abandoned by the Gu family, and that the old lady Gu had no power, so they dared to be so negligent.

If I can’t regret it any more in the future, a big family was pulled up from the bed in the middle of the night. I dare not show any angry expressions.

They are afraid, they are really afraid, the two Gu family brothers.

Ji Chenxuan's cousin kept looking at Gu Jingyuan's body, and at the same time she was scared, thinking in her heart if she could be Gu Jingyuan's woman.

So she pulled her pajamas down while not paying attention.

Gu Zhixin sneered and looked at the old man Ji: "Why, I don't want to? Just say, no, my aunt has been away for a while, so don't delay me here!"

Old man Ji stammered: "I...I'm old, my legs are not good, I...I'm afraid, I can't catch up...I..."

Then he suddenly turned his head and cursed at the people behind him: "Are you all made of stone? You have passed away without seeing bad luck. You are still indifferent. She always hurts you for nothing, and you all blank your eyes. Wolf……"

The rest of the Ji family shuddered. The old man's words meant that he was old with bad legs and legs, so I left it to them to accompany Gu Meiyun?

Others scolded Old Man Ji in their hearts.

Suddenly, Ji Chenxuan's cousin burst into tears and rushed out to the bedside: "Woo...auntie, why did you go so suddenly..."

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