You Are My Gravity

Chapter 1712:

But his son refused, and he refused to live or die. He was also a young master at home, and he was very much inflicted, and he didn't think he was much worse than the Gu family.

"Why should I apologize? I am not wrong. It is clear that they are wrong... They are too bullying. They dragged us out of the house. They are breaking the law. We should report and warn them if we break into private houses. ..."

The uncle of Ji Chenxuan quickly stretched out his hand to cover it, he was afraid that if he continued, Gu Zhixin would come over and kill his son directly!

Uncle Ji Chenxuan said: "Sorry, sorry... Young Master Gu, sorry, I'm really sorry, sorry, sorry, this kid... is young and honest... you, don't worry about him. , Your lord a lot..."

His elder mother hurriedly said from the side: "Look at what you said, Young Master Gu, I definitely don't care about a child. How can the Second Young Master pay attention to him? How old is he..."

The two apologized to Gu Zhixin, hoping to recover somehow.

However, Gu Zhixin didn't seem to hear them at all, so he ignored them at all.

Gu Zhixin beckoned to let a bodyguard come over.

The bodyguard immediately stepped forward and dragged Ji Chenxuan's cousin out.

Uncle Ji Chenxuan couldn't help both of them.

His elder mother shouted: "What are you doing, don't touch my son, let him go..."

She jumped up to scratch the bodyguard, but the bodyguard wouldn't be polite to her, kicked over and kicked Aunt Ji Chenxuan down.

Aunt Ji Chenxuan screamed and squatted on the ground, making no sound after falling for a while!

When Ji Chenxuan's cousin saw it, he was reluctant: "Dare to beat my mother, I'm fighting with you..."

Although he shouted loudly, it was useless.

As soon as the bodyguard squeezed his arm hard, he screamed, how could he "fight"!

Gu Zhixin let the two of them press him to the bed.

He lifted his foot and kicked, and only a common crisp sound was heard on the back knee of cousin Ji Chenxuan, and the knee was firmly in contact with the hard floor.

His head was covered with cold sweat and his face was pale.

Gu Zhixin disdain, this kid is just a waste. Two years ago he clamored to go abroad and bleed, but he didn't study well, so he could only go to a foreign pheasant university at a high price.

Moreover, the money was given by Gu Meiyun.

At the beginning, Gu Meiyun ran to the Gu family to ask Gu Jingyuan for help, and wanted him to help, find a good foreign university, and say anything in one mouth, MIT, Stanford, Cambridge.

Of course Gu Jingyuan wouldn't pay attention to her. If a university like that was really admitted, would it have closed down early?

Gu Meiyun left Gu's house angrily.

Gu Zhixin said to the bodyguard, "Don't say anything, just give me 20 shots for what you just said!"

The bodyguard nodded, raised his hand, and the big ear scraped off.

Aunt Ji Chenxuan screamed: "You let go. You are not allowed to beat my son, you will be punished..."

Gu Zhixin turned his head and shouted, "Yell again, let's fight with you."


Ji Chenxuan's aunt shut up immediately.

Although her son was beaten, she felt distressed, but... even more unwilling to be beaten herself.

Ji Chenxuan's cousin was quickly drawn out of 20 mouths, his face was swollen on both sides, and the corners of his mouth were still bleeding, looking like a pig's head.

At the same time, the fight has no temper!

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