You Are My Gravity

Chapter 1721:

The people who originally wanted to toss about it shut up instantly!

They thought of Gu Zhixin's appearance, and they only felt that it was a demon with an angelic face.

The bodyguards left by Gu Zhixin had surrounded them, but anyone who wanted to move was pressed down heavily.

No one can successfully stand up.

One of the bodyguards said, "You seem to have forgotten what the second master said."

Aunt Ji Chenxuan stammered: ", no...we dare not forget, absolutely dare not forget..."

The facts tell them that even if Gu Zhixin is gone, they don't even think about turning over.

Let you stay here honestly, don't make moths, or you will be the one who is unlucky.

Grandpa Ji Chenxuan's **** were stuffy and painful, and his grandma gritted her teeth and said: "Let us kneel and guard him, she is not afraid of retribution, she will never be overborn..."

Ji Chenxuan said lightly: "That's right, just stay in this house. In the future, everyone will come and go often. This is not right."

These words made the Ji family shiver one after another.

Stay here, come and go?

No, they definitely don't, and definitely don't live with a ghost!

People with a guilty conscience feel that the temperature seems to be a little colder at this moment, and the yin air is getting bigger.

Aunt Ji Chenxuan hurriedly threw several ingots into the brazier. She didn't dare to say it, she said silently in her heart: Gu Meiyun, you are dead if you die, don't stay here, go quickly, go quickly... don't Staying, I didn’t do anything too sorry for you in the past. If you have to find someone to collect debts, don’t come to me. If you want to find someone, go to my second brother and your husband. He has already cursed you for death , He doesn't have you at all in his heart...

No one dared to speak anymore. Even the illegitimate son of Ji Chenxuan's father, kneeled down beside his mother, leaning on his mother, closed his eyes and fell asleep. Noisy.

Ji Chenxuan's father's mistress felt too useless in her heart. She had known that she shouldn't enter this door. At first, she really thought that she could turn into a good house and be able to enter the house. She never expected that instead of the time coming, she stepped on a big thunder.

Now the son of the victim suffers and suffers along with him, which is really too bad.

She hoped to let her son go to rest, but she silently closed her mouth seeing the bodyguards around her.

Forget it, forget it, forbearance, it's better than no life!

To blame, blame yourself for being blind. At first, I believed Ji Cunshan's mouth, thinking that he was really a rich boss and could give himself a wealthy life. It didn't matter if he was a junior.

Who knows, this is an old white face who has a good life relying on his wife.

My mistress burned a few pieces of paper for Gu Meiyun, and she said in her heart: eldest sister, I really didn’t mean to seduce your man. He lied to me first. I admit that I did have a crooked heart, but I never I never thought of letting you die. If you really have grievances, just go to Ji Cunshan. This man is not a thing. He not only lied to you, but also lied to me... I can’t help you, please forgive me. !

Bodyguards, seeing that the people of Ji's family were honest again, they went back and stood still.

It rained outside all night and it still didn't stop, the crying in the mourning hall intermittently...

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