You Are My Gravity

Chapter 1724: Very weird

However, regardless of the old lady's age, her strength is too strong, and others can't move her, it's very strange.

Moreover, Ji Cunshan's pinched complexion has begun to turn blue, his mouth is open, his eyes are turning white, and his feet are kicking on the ground indiscriminately. It seems that if he is not saved, he will be dying.

Ji Chenxuan's aunt shouted: "Mom, this is the second brother, let go, let go..."

Uncle Ji Chenxuan yanked his **** arm hard: "Mom, let go, mom... you're going to choke Cunshan to death..."

Cousin Ji Chenxuan hid behind, trembling and her face pale, her face was full of fear, and she kept repeating a sentence: "Grandma is possessed, she must be possessed... Auntie is going to take revenge..."

Grandma Ji Chenxuan's eyes were wide and round, her eyes seemed to stop turning, her fierce light was revealed, her face was green with iron, and her face was full of huge hatred.

It seemed that the person in front of her was not her son at all, but her mortal enemy.

Zhou Ping frowned and sighed. Gu Meiyun's resentment was indeed big enough. The old lady's face was already a grimace after death.

Although today, it’s already dawn after all!

It was only one night, and Gu Meiyun's ghosts had already gathered such a large amount of energy, which showed the magnitude of this resentment.

About Mo, she really wanted everyone in the Ji family to die.

When the Ji family saw that Gu Jingyuan and the others were here, they quickly said, "Mr. Gu, Mr. Gu, please, please help people..."

Gu Jingyuan said indifferently: "How can I save, your mother is going to kill your brother, what is your family's affairs with me?"

He didn't intend to stop them. Those who were going to kill and those who were going to die were all members of the Ji family's own family. He watched the excitement happily and didn't want to help at all.

Zhou Ping glanced at Ji Cunshan, and if he didn't save him, he would really die.

If Ji Cunshan is dead, Gu Meiyun has human life on his hands and owes karma, it will be difficult to reincarnate.

After all, it is from Gu's family, and she can't really watch her break her back.

Zhou Ping sighed, stepped forward, took out a piece of talisman paper and pasted it on the center of grandma Ji Chenxuan's forehead.

In the next second, his grandmother was like a robot that was suddenly unplugged. It won't move, and it crashed.

Grandma Ji Chenxuan fell down, everyone was stunned by this scene, and everyone forgot to help.

Old lady Ji fell to the ground with such a plop, her head was severely knocked.

Zhou Ping scanned everyone and found that except for Ji Chenxuan, everyone's body was more or less black in the hall. It seems that everyone had an unforgettable experience last night.

Zhou Ping had a good guess. Everyone except Ji Chenxuan was making noise last night.

Some people cried and laughed for a while, and others seemed to be silly, and kept smoking their mouths. Anyway, they had a wonderful time.

Ji Cunshan finally took a sigh of relief when he lay on the ground. He struggled to get up and hugged Zhou Ping's thigh: "Master, master... please, help us... please..."

Ji Cunshan was the most unlucky one last night.

He knew that Gu Meiyun was here and knew that she hated herself and wanted to kill him. At this time, he was already dying in fear.

Before Zhou Ping had time to frown, Gu Jingyuan had already kicked the person away.



Hey, the method to lose weight failed!

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