You Are My Gravity

Chapter 1932:

They were very happy to hear that Zhong Wenqing was taken back by the director.

Have you made it yourself? She usually indulges her little ghosts to **** other people's yang energy, and now, it is time for her to taste what it is like to be taken back.

When they thought about it, they suddenly felt that the wound on Zhong Wenqing's face was not so disgusting.

I just felt that the evil in my heart came out.

Yu Chengjing asked curiously: "Master, then...what about the assistant Zhong Wenqing?"

Zhou Ping squeezed the cup tightly: "Nine dead for a lifetime."

Feeding the three little ghosts with one person is to let them eat this person alive...

Although Zhou Ping said that she will die forever, but in fact, she feels that there is no hope anymore.

The little devil cannot get out and cannot take in the yang energy, and he keeps on slamming the ban on wanting to go out, which is severely worn out. If he wants to replenish his body, he must "eat" a lot.

One person... how can they bite...

Zhou Ping's words made everyone tremble, and all of them died after nine deaths... Is that a good person really... no more?

"This...this..." The director shivered and they were a real person.

One of the deputy directors said: "Or, let's call the police quickly..."

Zhou Ping said: "Look up first, did the assistant come out after entering Zhong Wenqing's room."

"First think of a way to look at the hotel's surveillance, and see if the assistant comes out again after entering, and then..." Zhou Ping glanced at the director: "Aren't you the director? Go knock on the door, visit her... check her s room……"

The director waved his hands again and again: "No, no... or don't..."

Go to Zhong Wenqing's room, that would be terrible!

Zhou Ping smiled: "Just put it in, I promise you won't have any trouble, those little ghosts can only come out at night, don't be afraid!"

"But, but... I'm still afraid..."

Zhou Ping: "Don't persuade, go!"

The director swallowed and gritted his teeth, "Then...then... find someone to join me..."

When the other people heard this, they stepped back subconsciously, and the director quickly reached out and grabbed the nearest Lao Cai: "Lao Cai, Lao come with me, you come with me..."

Lao Cai shook his head quickly: "I, I can't..."

"You can do it, you can do it..." The director took his arm tightly.

Lao Cai wants to cry without tears...


After that, the soldiers were divided into two groups, going all the way to watch the hotel monitoring, and knocking on Zhong Wenqing's door all the way.

The director felt very uneasy, knocked for a while and no one opened the door. He breathed a sigh of relief and wanted to leave.

"Director, why are you here?" Zhong Wenqing's voice sounded behind them.

The director and Lao Cai shivered almost at the same time. Before listening to their voices, they all felt that this girl looks good and has a nice voice.

But now that it sounds, I just feel that this voice is so gloomy and really scary.

The director tried his best not to show the strangeness, took a deep breath, turned his stiff body, and said with a smile on his face: "Oh...I saw the WeChat you sent, let's see what's wrong with you, are you seriously sick?"

Zhong Wenqing's body is so tightly wrapped, neither the director nor Lao Cai can see anything.

Lao Cai carefully stood behind the director and swallowed his throat in fear.

Damn, it's so scary, so scary, want to run!

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