You Are My Gravity

Chapter 1942:

Zhong Wenqing lowered her head and saw that the head that fell to the ground had already rolled to her feet for some time, and her teeth were stubbornly on her ankles, not just biting her flesh, as if to even her bones Give it a bite...

"Ah, my feet, my, help..."

Zhong Wenqing screamed in pain, and raised his foot to throw off the assistant's head: "It doesn't matter to me, it's not me, it's not me... I said... I give you so many years every year, I have trouble, just want to let Come and help me...I didn't want you to die, I don't know, you will die, don't blame me, you can't..."

After shaking off the assistant's head, Zhong Wenqing limped and ran out to open the door, but his hand just touched the doorknob.

Behind her, she grabbed her arm vigorously, and the other party pulled hard, and Zhong Wenqing's body fell back hard.

Then, Zhong Wenqing felt that the assistant's hand pinched her neck, and the assistant's head came to her thigh and opened her mouth to bite a piece of meat on her thigh...

Zhong Wenqing felt that she was dying. She was living on the assistant's rotten arm, tearing it forcefully, her well-maintained nails cracked, blood flowed out, but she couldn't shake the opponent half, the oxygen in her chest and lungs was squeezed clean, and breathing became more and more difficult. ...

The slippers on Zhong Wenqing's feet have already been kicked off. He kicked his feet **** the stall, his face was flushed and purple, and his mouth was open, trying to breathe in oxygen.

But her chest is getting heavier and heavier, and her neck is about to be chopped off. Zhong Wenqing is not reconciled, she doesn't want to die like this...

Her shining star dream, she will stay at the top for a lifetime, she don’t want to die like this...

But Mingming was about to die, but the pain in her body became clearer, and she could even feel the figure of the assistant biting off her body with one bite.

Zhong Wenqing heard the assistant say: "You let me die without a dead body, then I want you to be like me... I want a bite to bite off your flesh..."

"No... I... don't... want to... die... save... save me..." Zhong Wenqing tried hard to make a sound, her body writhing painfully on the ground, her face of horror, because of the pain, The facial features are twisted and hideous, even more scary!

If anyone else was here, I would be dumbfounded, thinking Zhong Wenqing was crazy.

Because to outsiders, this is Zhong Wenqing going crazy there alone, there is no second person at all, she is completely alone there, directing and acting...

Zhong Wenqing would be like this because of the complicated formation that Zhou Ping drew on the door of the room. There was confusion in it. The more ghosts in a person's heart, the more the ghosts will run out.

These are just illusions of Zhong Wenqing herself.

She killed the assistant, she was afraid, she was afraid that the assistant would have revenge... That formation made her fear infinitely magnified. Therefore, the more she feared, the more she would come, and the assistant would really "get revenge"... …

But even if these are illusions, the pain that Zhong Wenqing has endured is all real, and nothing is fake.

Moreover, this is just the beginning...

Zhong Wenqing will feel like falling into a nightmare cycle. All the bad things she has done, who she has harmed, and everything she is afraid of will appear in this space.

She will be avenged by them over and over again, painful, and will torture her crazy... But she will not kill her.

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