You Are My Gravity

Chapter 1956: Exploded

After she called the police, the police took it seriously.

After all, the phone couldn't get through, and no one could be found. It was a young girl. There were too many accidents with girls these days.

Two policemen from the police station followed the assistant who called the police first, came to the hotel where they were staying, and went to the missing assistant's room.

Everything in the room is there, luggage, wallets, documents, and so on, and the phone charging cable is also there.

Basically, people these days cannot do without their mobile phones. When going out, whether they can get their wallets or not, they must be mobile phones.

If you go out for a little longer, you will bring the power bank and charging cable.

However, the mobile phone charging cable was not taken away at all. It can be seen that she went very close.

In the room, there is still a bucket of instant noodles that are ready to be soaked but not eaten much. This shows two problems. First, the rush to leave.

Second, it also proved the last guess that she was going to be very close. She thought that she would come back when she went, and if possible, she did not leave this hotel.

It is not difficult to find out the assistant's disappearance, as long as you look at the surveillance, you will know.

The police immediately checked the monitor and finally found that she hurried out of the room early the day before yesterday, went to the 11th floor, and then never came out again.

So, if nothing happens, then this person is still in the hotel, maybe still on the 11th floor.

So the police asked the female assistant who called the police if she knew what she was looking for on the 11th floor.

Of course the female assistant who called the police knew that there were their bosses on the 11th floor. Going to this floor would definitely be looking for Zhong Wenqing, not anyone else.

After the police assistant told the police, the police went straight to the 11th floor and knocked on Zhong Wenqing's door.

Two policemen stood in front of the door and pressed the doorbell and waited for a while, but no one came to open.

One of them covered his nose: "Do you think it smells bad here..."

The other nodded: " smells bad...what's the matter, didn't they clean the hotel?"

After a while, no one opened the door, and the two policemen wondered: "Could it be that there is no one?"

It just so happened that not far away the door of the next room opened and someone came out. It was Lao Cai. He returned to the room on the 11th floor ahead of time. He was already ready to watch the fun.

Lao Cai saw the police and asked very "enthusiastically": "Comrade police, are you looking for Miss Zhong?"

The police asked him: "Do you know?"

Lao Cai nodded: "Oh, I'm the director of photography of this crew, so I know it naturally."

The policeman asked: "Then do you know she is in the room?"

Lao Cai hesitated for a moment and shook his head: "It should be... Yes, yesterday morning, Miss Zhong, asked the director to assume that she was unwell and could not shoot. The director also brought me to Miss Zhong. She said that she was I was allergic and developed a lot of red rashes on her body... She probably never came out afterwards. After all, she was not feeling well and should not run around, but... I am not sure, I was on the set most of the time yesterday. ..."

The female assistant who called the police also said to the side: "Yes, sister Qing also told us yesterday morning that she was not feeling well and wanted to rest. She gave us a day off. I contacted her this morning, but she... Did not return me..."

The two policemen glanced at each other, is this a coincidence?


La la la, it’s about to explode... a big wave of high energy is about to hit, you guys are ready to stay up late...

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